Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted July 16, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Book Release


by Lea Tonin1


"The most in-depth book of abuse and corruption of our time." 

Independent review
August 05, 2024
McMillan publishing
August 12, 2024
Barnes & Noble
I could not have done any of this without all of you! For Fanstory for providing the platform in which to write and share, I thank you.
To all of you who stopped, read, advised and offered all of your encouragement and suggestions, I am eternally grateful!  Two people in particular who were instrumental in this are my good friend
Robert (Bob) W. Baker my friend who's never left my side.
Rachelle Allen my greatest ally, staunch supporter and fine friend who's insight is astonishing!
So many more I've acknowledged in this book and for all of you who took the time to review, my eternal gratitude.
Quote from the book "Ghost" by Lea Tonin 
"No personality or mistakes were allowed.
At best we were small automatons to do their bidding.
As for identity, that had to be earned.
I already knew what my name was..."

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