General Poetry posted July 22, 2024

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Kamala be Bidenomics on steroids! Inflation, stagnation, tax

POTUS Kamala? No Laughing Matter

by Reese Turner

Politicians are like pick-up trucks

New and fancy, with not too much vary.

What’s important is to look in the bed

And know exactly what they carry!

Early on, Biden gave her a very big job:

Kamala was loaded with “Immigration Czar”

Since then, ten million illegals from all

Over: many drugs, crime, terrorists, so far…

Her resume also includes moral decay

Transgenders in all restrooms: just fine

I, with daughters and true female wife

Don’t want men in restrooms with mine.

Kamala applauds deep, deep deficits of

Bidenomics - which drives our food inflation.

Not to mention environmental restrictions

And EV cars – just killing economy of nation.

So, if you want Kamala just ‘cause she’s a she

But don’t examine what load that delivers,

It’s a liberal load, with an UNaffordable toll

Of more tax, inflation; Just gives me shivers.

Kamala for President writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt

Kamala Harris has announced she is running for President! Write a poem commemorating this historical event.

Should Kamala be elected, I shall put a grave in my front yard with a headstone which reads: "Common Sense"
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