Horror and Thriller Fiction posted July 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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Matthew Strait comes home from fishing

A chapter in the book The Coyote Boys

Different Kinds of Fishing


Brothers, Huck and Dewey, are trying to survive under the abuse from their father.
So far, Huck and Dewey Strait, brothers who are trying to survive under the abuse of their father. Dewey is growing more determined to fight his father. While Huck is falling in love with a beautiful colored woman who lives in town.


Momma is sitting in the living room when we get home. There ain't no sign of Daddy, and for that, I'm thankful. Momma tells us that Daddy has gone fishing. That can't be true because the only spot that is calm enough to catch anything is right where Dewey and I were. We would have passed him coming or going in either case. "How long he been gone?" I ask.

"Couple of hours," she says, sighing. She looks towards the window and tilts her head just so. The afternoon light bathes her face in a delicate light. Every once in a while, I can see a real pretty side of my momma. Today is one of those days. Her hair is pinned at the nape of her neck and she looks real soft and sweet.

"You look real pretty today, Momma," I say.

Startled, she puts her hand to her face and blushes. "I'm a mess, Huck."

"No, you ain't. You're real pretty and you deserve a better lot in life."

"I got a good life, Huck. I got you and Dewey. Your daddy takes care of us."

"You deserve better."

She draws in a slow breath and rises to put her arms around me. "Hush now. God gives us what we can carry."

That don't sound like a good and merciful God to me. Dew never deserved to be hit with that shovel, Momma don't deserve to lay with Matthew Strait, and I sure don't deserve to be in love with someone who will never truly be mine.

Of course, I can't say this out loud. God is the only thing my momma has. She can't have any hopes and dreams left. Living with a man like Matthew Strait kills your spirit.

"I know, Momma, I know."


I'm snapping beans on the porch when Daddy comes walking up the path just before sundown. He ain't coming from the direction of the creek neither. He looks to be coming from town.

"Catch anything," I ask, dryly.

"Won't nothing biting."


He starts up the steps then stops midway and looks at me. "You look like you got something to say."

"No, I ain't got nothing to say. Just snapping these beans."

He looks me over with a devil's smile on his ugly face. "Smarter than you look."

I bite the inside of my cheek. I want to confront him. I want him to understand that I know he's a liar. I knowed he ain't been fishing. The lying son of a bitch don't even have his pole with him. When his hand is on the screen door handle I finally speak. "You forget to bring our fishing pole home, Daddy?"

He twists towards me, that smile still on his face. "There's different kinds of fishing, son. You'll understand that when you're older."


Dewey eats in silence. His eyes stay on his plate and he don't look at me nor Momma.

"What's wrong with dummy?" Daddy asks, his mouth half-full of chewed up food.

"My name is Dewey," he says.

"So, you can speak," Daddy laughs.

"I ain't a dummy. I know lots of things."

Daddy grins at me, then smacks his hand on the table, rattling the dishes. "Well, well, well. Please tell me what else you know."

Momma looks over at me helplessly. "Matthew, please, not tonight. We're all hot and tired. Let's just eat our dinner in peace."

"No. Now, Dummy, I mean Dewey has something to say and I want to hear it."

Dewey still won't look up but he puts his fork down and places both hands on the table. "I know about coyotes."

"Fascinating." Daddy sighs. "Tell me more."

"I will. They stick together. Tight like family. When they howl, they're talking to each other. Late at night, when the world gets quiet, that's when they talk."

Daddy leans in close. "You're a regular smart guy, Dewey."

Finally, Dewey raises his green eyes and stares into my daddy's eyes. "You want to know the best thing about coyotes? They hunt in pairs. Whatever they's hunting will see one, right out in the open, growling, teeth bared, but they won't see they second one. And that's the one that gets 'em. It's the one they don't see that comes in for the kill." Dewey smiles slightly. "Bet you didn't know that, did you?"

I can't finish what's on my plate. There ain't no room for food in my gut because now it's filled with dread.

I watch as Daddy sits back, resumes eating. He's gonna let this go tonight. He's tired. But I know him, and he's gonna come after Dewey. Matthew Strait don't let nothing go.

Tonight I'll lay awake all night, listening for his footsteps in the hall. And if he don't come after him tonight, I'll listen out for him tomorrow night. He ain't used to Dewey challenging him. Dew was just a little thing when he hit him and he gloated on the fact that Dew was scared of him.

Momma says that the meek shall inherit the earth. Up until lately, Dewey has always been meek. Now he's like a wild dog or a coyote. He's starting to hunt. He don't want to inherit the earth. He just wants Matthew Strait's flesh between his teeth.


He slips out again. After the house is asleep, Matthew Strait goes slithering down the walk and becomes one with the starless night. I let my eyes close. At least, tonight he ain't gonna come after Dewey. Tonight, Dewey and I are safe.

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