General Poetry posted July 24, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A rude awakening

Deirdre*s Christmas Visit

by Terry Reilly

It was that special time of year

When nights were dark and minds were clear.

To visit mum I had to go

No way could I rely on Mo.

She languished in that sweaty bed

with rancid breath and eyes so red.

The nurse said: “she is on the brink”

I didn’t know just what to think.

I clasped her cheeks, I kissed her brow.

I murmured: “please, Mum, don’t go now.”

Inside my head my sister said:

“Her race is run, her blood has bled.”

But Maureen hadn’t come to see

Her mother in extremity.

She licked her wounds, she drank red wine

A self-indulgent Christmas time.

An earworm crawled into my brain

It drowned out all my grief and pain.

“For Ireland’s cause” aroused my soul

“Our day will come”, “We will be whole.”

My raucous voice the rafters rang

I yelled and screamed and cried and sang.

The Soldiers’ Song was my release

I saw my mother’s breathing cease.

But then a miracle took place,

a smile adorned that wizened face.

Her rheumy eyes were wide and bright

Her soul projecting inner light.

The wasted body moved and swayed

“Eireann Go Bragh” she boldly said.

“Thank you, Mo, for what you’ve done.

You’ve always been my favourite one.”

I rose and squeezed her bony hand.

“I love you mum. I understand.”

Smothering resurgent fears,

Choking back the burning tears.

Sad Poems writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression.

Deirdre, the visiting daughter.
Mo, Maureen, the absent daughter.
The Soldiers Song, the Irish National Anthem.
Eireann Go Bragh, Ireland For Ever.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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