General Poetry posted July 25, 2024

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I'm very, very tired

Too Much To Handle

by Monica Chaddick

There has been more stress and strife

Than happiness my entire life

Growing up I watched in fear

My father's violence when drinking beer

I thought my life would soon vary

When my high school love I did marry

Sadly, he was a cheat

After four years I admitted defeat

Another attempt with a new man

I soon found out I was no fan

Now alone with four children in tow

I finished college hoping to end my woe

Finally, I found the answer

But all to soon he was taken by cancer

During this time I tried a career

But torture and abuse was all that was here

Finally, I found a job to love

But the company ended – Why? I asked God above

One daughter got pregnant, one a victim of rape

Both children when they met their fates

I supported them the best I could

But they don't appreciate that as they should

After the loss of my darling mate

Losing my home became my fate

I found an apartment that I liked a lot

But hurricanes hit when the weather got hot

Two thefts, evacuation, and a destroyed home

To another state I had to roam

A roach infested broken down slum

Be grateful a roof you have, said some

When my old apartment was finally done

Back to my home I did run

Still no happiness was mine

My mother wasn't happy with her new home, I would find

For two long years she did nothing but grieve

Wanting to move, she'd drive me crazy, I'd believe

Finally, we were able to find her a place

Now getting her moved is a marathon race

She has scrubbed the new place completely twice

And still she says that it isn't right

Nothing was wrong with it at all

But she says it's filthy, with all her gaul

Now she has to be moved in two short weeks

And she still isn't done packing – but I'm to be meek

She says that she has absolutely no help

But when I try, all she does is yelp

I hauled seventy – one boxes myself in one day

Two truckloads a couple days before all the way

My anti – depressants are doing no good

And now I don't have the help that I should

I'm catching hell from everyone on both ends

When is my poor mind to mend?

She says she wants to finish with this

But I make a plan and then she pitches a fit

I have no idea what to do all day long

Any way that I turn I am wrong

I'm tired, I'm hurting, I'm needing a break

I don't know how much more my mind and body can take

My only outlet is my writing, true

Without this I don't know what I'd do

Now I can't even see my little granddaughter

I'm “punished” because of my sociopathic daughter

There is way too much going on around here

My mind is going to snap, that's my fear

If that happens, then what will I do?

I won't be able to write, that is true

My only outlet will be taken from me

When that happens, then they all will see

They will be sorry – it will be too late

But they must realize they chose their own fate



Sad Poems writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Sadness has overcome us all at one time or another. Either caused by a relative or close friend's death or from the girl or guy that broke our heart or just life in general. We all handle situations differently, some good, some bad. This contest gives us the ability to explore this. Your poem can also play into other emotions that are common to writing like this such as anger or depression.
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