General Poetry posted July 27, 2024

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progress my ass..people are losing their cash

Online Scams

by tempeste

don't care a
goddam, we're just
poor Easter lambs in this digital world

Tetractys Contest writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Tetractys is a simple and interesting form of poetry. Write a poem, with only five lines. Each line adds one syllable until the last stanza which has ten syllables. The structure is: line 1 - 1 syllable,
line 2 - 2 syllables, line 3 - 3 syllables,
line 4 - 4 syllables,
line 5 - 10 syllables

Our leaders want a cashless society but can't even protect us from scams online.

What are governments waiting for to make the banks liable?

people are losing their hard-earned savings.
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