General Fiction posted October 5, 2024

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I thought I was untidy, well I still am

What a Plurry Mess

by Claire Tennant

It seemed a good idea at the time to lead the Christmas carol service in a country town. Friends offered a room for the night, but oh dear, the house. I thought I was untidy, but this place would put Typhoid Mary on a par with Florence Nightingale. The kitchen was grubby; the bathroom was worse. I, who love a shower, would not go near the recess, choosing to flannel wash instead. Fortunately, the weather was not humid. I let it be known to a close friend how bad it was. Astounded, he conveyed sympathy.

A Good Idea writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Start your story with the sentence:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
*100 words max
*fiction or nonfiction
*any genre
*no poetry
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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