General Script posted October 6, 2024

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An Unforeseen Disaster

by tempeste

It seemed a good idea at the time. I would save space and contain the mess.

I taped the drain hole and placed the litter box in the shower.

On the opposite end of the rectangular shaped bathroom, I placed a cot on a thick plank.

It would be the perfect place to house the eight-month-old stray I was supposed to tame.

Luckily I gave it only an hour to settle in, cause inadvertently the stray pushed open the (cold ) water faucet; bathroom and kitchen were already flooded while the culprit was nice and dry on its cot.

A Good Idea writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Start your story with the sentence:
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
*100 words max
*fiction or nonfiction
*any genre
*no poetry

It was a week before Christmas and thank god it was a sunny day

The bathroom in question is part of a three room mini apartment we had just renovated. It is on the ground floor of a two story house.

From where we live I just have to cross a small courtyard.

It was midday when my friend Wilma handed over the kitten . Father wanted his lunch so I decided to leave the kitten settle in on its own while I served lunch

I was nervous but I remember my father saying: stop worrying nothing can happen.

Famous last words.

I just felt uneasy and an hour later I crossed the courtyard to check on the tyke.

When I opened the door I got the shock of my life as I stepped into a pool of water. I quickly rushed to turn the shower faucet off.. I presumed the stray jumping up had accidentally pushed up the tap ( those that you swish up and around ).

The culprit was in her cot but I had no time to say anything.

I called my father and we took out what furniture we could table , chairs and then placed on both ends thick beams under the furniture we couldnt.

Using the mop was hopeless but my father had a brilliant idea..just a few kilometres from us is a firm that sells and rents carpet and floor cleaners .. we rented one and after nearly three hours I had sucked up all the water.
It took some time for the furniture we had lifted on beams to dry but eventual it did .

It took me 6 weeks to tame the beast.

At the start of February I moved her upstairs in a big room without furniture just a nice bed with a mattress I protected with thick plastic and on top I put two sun bed tops . She stayed with me until Easter in April and then Wilma found her a forever home.
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