General Poetry posted October 7, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level

My Autumn Afternoon

by Sugarray77

I sink into my cozy chair
while autumn nips the crispy air.
A book, a cuppa something warm,
I think I'll claim this ~ my new norm!
The beefy stew is set on low
emitting scents of comfort, so,
as old clocks canter into chime,
I snuggle into languid time.
Calm solitude makes me adverse
to energetic and diverse
distractions claiming there's a need...
when all I want to do is read.
Mulled scents of Fall flow through the air;
a spicy apple candle's flare.
It brings a sweet serenity 
while nesting with my poetry.
To live my very best, I find,
I need some space where I unwind.


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