Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted October 16, 2024

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Is God sending us a message?

Hurricanes God's warning?

by jake cosmos aller


Is God sending them

Warning us


3-5-3 'Air' Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a three-line, 3-5-3 syllable count, poem on any aspect of the theme 'air'. It can be on breeze, wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, twisters, breath, or any other topic directly related to air. Creative approaches are welcome.

some on the right have been saying for years that hurricanes and other storms are caused by God being angry at humans. who knows? if that is true, God must really be angry a lot as he has been sending one storm after another and one wild fire after another all over the world. But it is not clear what God is angry about and the various prophets disagree on what exactly is the message being sent. Perhaps there is no message just hurricanes and storms doing their natural thing I believe

3-5-3 'Air' Poem
Write a three-line, 3-5-3 syllable count, poem on any aspect of the theme 'air'. It can be breeze, wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, twisters, breath, or any other topic directly related to air. Creative approaches are welcome.
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