My name is Hate, we two have met,
I'm fueled by all your doubts and fears.
I've made you do things you regret,
it's my job to bring you to tears.
I get around this big wide world,
I travel where there's most despair,
the flag of war, I have unfurled,
so many died, and I was there.
There's many different masks I wear
I might be hard to recognize,
yet soon you'll know that I am there,
I'll push you to antagonize.
Try violence, it will make me proud,
Just spew me out, hateful remarks,
Walk with me please throughout the crowd,
Let's fire chaos, create some sparks.
Don't think that I will fade away,
there's much more me than there is good,
I'm sure I'll be in charge someday,
infecting your heart like I shoud.
I have a heart that's black as night,
I'm filled with putrid thoughts, you see,
upon your world, I'll be a blight,
I hope one day you'll be like me.