Beyond the field, across the pond,
there is a clearing in the woods,
where berries grow, of which I'm fond,
I went there often, as I could.
At end of day when sunset loomed,
I lost all track of time, you see,
spent picking all the lovely blooms,
their fragrance was a balm to me.
My walk home started in the dark,
not short a walk by any means,
the moon above was full and stark,
like something I've seen in my dreams.
I looked beyond the distant trees,
a movement from two glowing eyes,
the sight would bring me to my knees,
perhaps a bear of giant size?
An animal, there was no doubt,
a scent of danger in the air,
my pace would quicken on my route,
each quiet step, made with great care.
Yet to my horror, fleeting feet,
pursued me with its glowing eyes,
Caused faster, my poor heart to beat,
quite frightened that is no surprise.
A woman all decked out in white,
a devil with its pointy horns,
a vampire was in my sight,
they came my way, I felt forlorn.
I realized then, what night it was,
All Hollows Eve when monsters roam,
their costumes were quite good because
I was relieved when I got home.
But did I mention the full moon?
My fangs grew longer, what a feat,
those costumed people very soon
would all become my trick...and TREAT!