Self Improvement Poetry posted October 22, 2008

This work has reached the exceptional level
Surviving the world-wide shortages.

Feed Yourself and Your neighbor.

by Aussie

There are other ways to survive.
Second-hand clothes go round and round.
Buy for a penny not a pound.
gas is skyrocketing, what to do?
Must get to work and have transport too.

Rest awhile and think your thoughts.
Come, let us reason together.
Share a car, ride a bike; it's not that far.

Food is a worry prices are climbing.
And Meals on Wheels is slowly dying.

Plant some staples, they'll do fine.
Share a garden, yours and mine.

If you bury your head in sandy soil it will not grow.
A new bed of survival you need now.
Just sow and you can rest awhile.
Sow it; share it, walk or ride.

Stand back and watch your garden with pride.
Help a neighbor, all join hands.
Strive to survive with our new plans.

The Universe is impartial; it will throw you roses or garbage.
What did you ask for?
I decided on roses and lots more.

End note:
Turning back the hands of time to when we did survive in the tough times; bartering instead and using our wits to create new ways of surviving the world shortages.
Australian English and grammar are used.


All over the world not only in the US - we are experiencing hard times too; Australians have learnt to improvise through two World Wars and it is time to tighten our belts once again. We can win through if we take action now.
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