War and History Fiction posted September 30, 2009

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Salome dances the dance of Seven Veils

Dance of Death

by BethShelby

The tantalizing sound of music filled the great hall as the princess stepped on to the tiles, her eyes flashing fire and a seductive smile playing around the corners of mouth. She pulled the sheer veil across her face and began the slow undulating movements of the dance. An audible gasp went up from the invited guests. The wine goblets were set aside, and all eyes were glued on the princess as she moved to the hypnotic rhythm.

The music swelled as Salome swayed and swirled, allowing the first colorful veil to billow out and float gently to the floor. She pulled a second veil from her head, setting free her long flowing tresses encrusted with jeweled combs. She allowed the sheer material of the next veil to waft on the wind as she moved enticingly across the floor. As each of seven delicately colored veils was pulled from her person, more of her shapely young body was revealed. At last, her scantly clad flesh was bared for all to see. The movements grew even more beguiling, as she began the belly dance portion of the performance.

The king was enthralled. This was the highlight of his birthday celebration.
He had his wife, Herodias, to thank for this. Allowing her daughter to dance was her gift to him. The wine had worked its magic on Herod. He threw caution to the wind, as he stood and bowed to his stepdaughter at the end of her performance.

"Anything," he shouted. " Ask anything. I'll give you anything you desire, up to half of my kingdom."

The girl bowed deeply, a bit taken aback by the king's apparent generosity. She needed time to think. She retreated, still facing the king and bowing as she backed from the gathering. Her mother arose from her seat beside the king and went to meet her daughter.

The girl's face was flushed, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "What shall I ask for? Did you hear him. He said anything. I could have gold, or diamonds, or lands. What do you think I should ask for?"

"I want to you to ask for the head of that jackal sitting down there in that prison cell. That loathsome, arrogant man has the nerve to call himself a man of God. I speak of the one the people call The Baptist. He is a thorn in my flesh, and I won't rest until he is destroyed."

Salome stared at her mother in amazement. "You can't be serious. I know you hate him, but what good will having him dead do us?"

Herodias's eyes flashed fire. " How dare you question me. You will do as I say. It might mean a great deal to you. That man has said to the king, he had no right to marry me because I was his brother's wife. He basically called me a whore.  Don't you realize Herod could have us banished from the kingdom if he takes this to heart?  I think he is afraid of that despicable man because he has so many followers. I've pled with the king to do away with him, but he doesn't listen. He is afraid of these simpleminded people rebelling. Right now, he is well drunk and he has made a pledge in front of all the guests to give you anything. If I know him as I think I do, he won't go back on his word. Make your request now while everyone is here to witness.

Salome's shoulders sagged in disappointment, but realizing her mother was adamant and not open to persuasion, she bowed her head in agreement. "So be it," she said. "I will do as you ask. Let it be known to the king, I am ready to make my request. "

The message was delivered, and the king ordered that there be silence as the princess was about to make her request  known. Salome stood before the king, now wearing a silken robe. She spoke loudly so all present could hear. "I request the head of John the Baptist be brought to me on a platter."

Herod stared at her in disbelief. He realized he had been tricked. This request bore the unmistakable mark of Herodias, but to refuse in the presence of his subjects would show weakness. He hesitated only  briefly before he called to his guards and proclaimed that the execution would take place immediately. There was stunned silence for a moment, and then a din of excited voices could be heard throughout the hall.

The king had spoken, and none would dare question his judgment. Thus the fate of John the Baptist was sealed.

Flash Fiction contest entry


This is loosely based on the Biblical version of the story. The dance of the seven veils is not mentiioned in the Bible. We do not know the type of dance Solome did but only that the king was extremely impressed. One reader pointed out to me that this was first mentioned in connection to Solome in a movie in which Rita Hayword played Salome. Word Count 759
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