General Fiction posted February 8, 2010 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Some things are for sale......

A chapter in the book Short Stories

Innocently Indecent

by Begin Again

The fragrant smell of cherry blossoms filled the air. Becky, an emergency room RN, stepped into the courtyard and inhaled the intoxicating smell. Flu season was at its peak, patients lined the corridors, and staff was at a bare minimum. Having just completed two twelve-hour shifts, her body screamed from exhaustion. Wearily, she walked toward her car.

Maneuvering through the parking lot, she clicked on the satellite radio. The soothing sounds of a Brahms Lullaby drifted from the speakers. Behind the wheel, her head nodded with the music.

The traffic light turned green and an impatient driver blasted his horn, jolting her awake. Startled, she pulled the car to the side of the road, opening the windows. She shivered in the cool morning air. Mechanically, she flipped through the radio stations until an unfamiliar head-banging song assaulted her senses. Satisfied the rock music would keep her awake, she continued the drive home.

Turning the corner, Becky thought the sight of home never looked so welcoming. She frowned at the for sale sign in her front yard. Her schedule made it impossible to maintain a three-bedroom house and she'd hoped to move to a condominium. After three months on the market, the prospects didn't look good.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stumbled into the house. All she wanted was a hot shower and her king-size bed. Sleep had become a luxury lately, but now it was a necessity.
Her tired fingers fumbled with the buttons on the bloodstained scrub, unwanted memories of work. She littered the hallway carpet with her shirt, pants, socks and bra. Leaning against the bedroom doorframe, she slipped out of her panties.
Next stop was the bathroom and a warm, relaxing shower.
Hot steamy vapors hung in the air. Wrapping a large towel around her naked body, she shuffled toward her king-size bed, oblivious to the red blinking light of the answering machine on her nightstand.
Pulling back the covers, she stretched across the cool satin sheets, laying her head on the pillow. Closing her eyes, she  instantly fell asleep.
                                         * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Traci, a real estate broker, unlocked the front door and allowed the prospective client to step inside the house. A young executive was relocating to the city, and had expressed interest in the property. The trail of clothes greeted them.

"Oh, I apologize. Becky must not have gotten my message."

"Don't worry about it. I've seen much worse." Leaving her to gather the discarded clothes, he roamed down the hallway, stopping to check each room.

He appreciated the fine craftsmanship in the home and the owner’s impeccable taste. If the Master Bedroom met his requirements, he was satisfied his house-hunting days were finished.

He stepped into the spacious bedroom and instantly admired what he saw. He was reluctant to leave the sanctuary, but finally, he retraced his steps, joining Traci in the hallway.

Traci was overjoyed by his satisfied expression. This was her first hot lead in months, and she was eager for his opinion.

"What do you think? Is it something that might interest you?" She held her breath. Her intuition said she was close to a sale.

"I definitely like what I see." He flashed a mischievous grin at Traci. "I was wondering if everything comes with the house."

"The owner is anxious to sell so I'm sure she'll be willing to negotiate." She stepped past him. "Let me put these in the hamper and we’ll talk.”

As she entered the bedroom, her eyes focused on the bed and she gasped. "Oh no!"

Becky raised her bewildered head off the pillow until her eyes locked with a pair of amused brown eyes. Clutching the bedding, a red blush stained her face.

He chuckled. "If she comes with the house, consider it sold!"

Working a Theme contest entry


Word count - 583
Theme - Innocently Indecent
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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