Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction posted May 8, 2010 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15... 

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200 Word Contest

A chapter in the book Short Stories

Innocent Looks

by Begin Again

200 words horror Flash Fiction Contest Winner 

Big city crime visited our small town. Gruesome details filled the newspaper—three murders in three weeks. Fear was rampant. No one felt safe.

As I said goodnight, my aunt begged, "Please let Tommy accompany you."

"I'll be fine." Her furrowed brow told me she disagreed.

The moon filtered through the trees. Dark buildings loomed along the walkway. My breathing was deafening compared to the silent street.

Crunching leaves echoed in my ears. My senses went on full alert.

Someone's behind me.

My heart thumped. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. Pulling a knife from my pocket, I continued walking.

Sweat dotted my forehead. The heavy sound of running told me he was close.

A hand grabbed my arm. I whirled around. I froze.

"Tommy?" My voice quivered.

"Mom sent me to make sure you were safe."

"I'm fine. Here comes the bus." I slipped the blade inside my jacket. "You should be careful yourself."

Boarding the bus, I scanned its occupants. An elderly woman clung to her groceries. A twenty-something man was busy on his iPod. A teenage girl chattered on her cell phone.

I smiled, making a connection. Interest flickered in his eyes. He smiled.

I'd chosen my next victim.

Writing Prompt
Write a short flash fiction story between 100 to 200 words based on the themes specified in contest details.

200 words horror Flash Fiction
Contest Winner


Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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