Humor Poetry posted June 20, 2010

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A Heavenly Plot

Peter Parrot

by fionageorge

Peter Parrot
Laughs out loud
He beat the heat
Hidden amongst the wheat
His sin of greed
May be the scene
Of his untimely death
But he's already
in heaven

Use These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type.

The words:

laugh - sin - death - parrot - scene - beat - wheat - heat

Contest Entry:
The challenge is to write a poem that includes the words provided. Your poem can be of any type. The words:

laugh - sin - death - parrot - scene - beat - wheat - heat

You have the option to leave out one word. So your poem must include at least 7 of the 8 words listed. You make a word plural (for example sing/sings).

No cadence, rhyme scheme, or punctuation.
Just a bit of fun.
I thank myself for putting the artwork together.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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