Fantasy Poetry posted October 28, 2010 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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Rhyming free style, story in a poem

A chapter in the book Storytime

The Legend of Lady Winter

by fairydancer

a million moons ago
a star adorned the earth
with constant warmth and love,
forever Summer ruled it's girth
as sun commanded space above

gallant Prince Summer
daily bade the beautiful blossoms to bloom
the grass to breathe and sigh
babies to form in the womb
and fruit to ripen on the vines
so every creature on land or sea
would never go hungry

he aided nature in her wondrous feats
and yet he walked alone
in passions heat

so from his treasured Earth
was forged for him a lover,
melding mystic potions
of a cool mountain stream
with the soul of azure oceans
and a fraction of it's heart to make a dream

as Lady Winter took her place aside him
at her beauty he was ablaze
a belle in ashen white and sky blue
rapt in moonstone glaze

but her soul proved hard and cold
and tried to freeze the Prince's heart
so she could rule his precious land
and so he knew she must depart
and tried to cast her from it's sands

but alas, this Lady's power was great
as once their love was strong,
she persuaded him to share the earth
but forever she would change it's song

for Lady Winter was a woman scorned
and so she eagerly decreed
that half the trees, so beautifully adorned
would lose their leaves straight after their seed,
and during her reign
no flowers would be seen
no babes would leap and dance,
as all earth's flora would lie dormant
and everywhere creatures would sleep,
and all this she would achieve
with a half yearly bitter freeze

this spite, it angered Summer beyond repair
and in his suffering and pain
he created Spring and Autumn
so he would never see Winter again


Personification of Winter writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Using any form of poetry, with or without rhyming, write about Winter using the technique of personification (as if this season were a person).

Thank you to lilacCollas for this beautiful artwork.
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