Romance Non-Fiction posted November 18, 2011 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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How we started and went on for a bit.

A chapter in the book Our marriage

Meeting and dating

by robina1978

The first chapter described mainly the years before we met and how I went on holiday on my own for the first time.
After dinner that evening I went to the bar. A tall handsome and pleasant looking man came nearer. He had dark, slightly curly hair and brown eyes. He was a bit taller than me and very slim. He actually looked exactly like a fortune teller had predicted - many years before. He approached me and asked if we could dance and if I would like a drink.
I said yes to both and when he came back with a drink for both of us, we made our introductions. His name was Robert ( nice name I thought ). Then he took me by surprise when he asked why some Italian had looked at him as if he wanted to kill him. Of course I managed to explain the situation honestly. The rest of the evening we were inseparable. Quite a few drinks later and a couple of dances, the music stopped. So we had to head for our room. He walked me to mine and I invited him in for a cup of coffee. I did really mean a cup of coffee. But before we knew it we were on my bed and started making love.
I had never believed in love at first sight, but that was what it was for both of us. No butterflies, this was more mature.

Then we talked for a while, smoking a ciggie, and for a first time we learned a lot about each other. He was divorced and had three boys, he talked so fondly and caring about them. He came from Aberdeen in Scotland and had his own place. I told him I was qualified as a Doctor and now training to become a Consultant Psychiatrist. He was a Registered Accountant and had held several management positions, but recently started working in his father's business. My thoughts were that was great that he did something so different from my profession. Both my parents were Consultant Psychiatrists and worked to hard and always talked shop. Robert was on a golfing holiday with his best friend.

I had rented a small car. The following days the three of us went sightseeing, as far as there was anything to go and see. The car was only insured on my name. On one of the first trip we drove to the top of a mountain, but went wrong and had to turn. It was not till then that I found out the handbrake did not work at all. Robert offered to turn the car, because he was more experienced with hills and mountains. I would not let him for the insurance sake. With me behind the wheel, he used the break pedal and I the gas and the clutch. I seem to remember we all had kittens. But we got back safely. We never got the hand break fixed, but tried to avoid situations like this.

The meals we also shared with the three of us. Can't understand now anymore why we did not mind to have Brian there much of the time. After dinner we used to go across to the bar, where there was music and dancing till the late hours. Then I suppose you can guess where it ended every night; in my room but that was just us two. Romancing and much more- hmmm.

Robert and Brian never played golf on this holiday then. I know for sure Robert did not mind, Brian might have. We never asked him though.

We made trips daily. I drove and Robert was reading the map. This could end up in real heavy discussions. He made the odd mistake and I had been used to perfect map readers and did not stand for less. From my point of view this showed how much I trusted him straight away. I never used to argue with strangers, just with the ones closest to me. I don't know if he saw it the same way. At least it did not stop him from seeing me again.

Near the end of my holiday we went to the shops and my eye fell on this lovely ring. I had quite a bit of money left and was determined to buy it. Robert and Brian stopped me which I did not like , let alone understand.

The day before I left, Robert gave me the ring as an engagement ring. I now was engaged to be married! I finally understood. My face was beaming and I had never felt so happy before. The next day they took me to the airport as I had to leave a couple of days before them.
We agreed to see each other in a fortnight In Holland, where I had my own apartment.

Back at work, the people whom I knew best, guessed what had happened even without being told. Whether I liked it or not, I had to inform my parents, before Robert came. They did not give much reaction.


Thanks to DeeM for the nice artwork.
Any help on language etc. is welcomed, but please no low ratings. If you don't like it just don't rate. Written in UK English and in narrative.
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