General Fiction posted January 30, 2012 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Alan waits for Lisa outside the photographers.

A chapter in the book The Red Dress

The Red Dress chapter twenty three

by alexisleech

Because Lisa needs professional photographs taken for a portfolio in order to hopefully get a modelling assignment,Alan drives her to Liam's studio. Please note warnings before reading.

     Liam's studio was in the cheaper end of town on the top floor of an old warehouse and Alan, who knew the district quite well, didn't feel happy about letting Lisa go up in the antiquated lift by herself. Lisa insisted that it was fine, and promised to come straight back down if she thought it looked at all dodgy.
     When Lisa reached the top of the building, she wished she had taken Alan up on his offer because the place seemed derelict and sinister. There were two doors, and she knocked on both with no result. There didn't seem to be anyone in. She was just about to get back in the lift when Liam appeared at the second door.
    “Could this be Lisa?” he asked, eyeing her up and down.
Lisa nearly jumped out of her skin when he appeared at the doorway.
     “Yes-- I have an appointment at four o'clock.”
Liam smiled and held his hand out.
     “Indeed you have, young lady,” he said, steering her through the door to the studio.
Once they were inside, Lisa looked at him and tried to work out what age he was. She thought he must have been in his fifties, but it was hard to tell because his hair showed no grey, and his body looked pretty well toned under the black polo neck sweater he was wearing. Only the fine lines around his mouth and eyes gave any indication that he was older than she’d initially thought. He seemed pleasant enough though, and showed her around.
     The studio was huge, taking up at least half of the top floor of the warehouse. The windows were blacked out with some kind of dense material which didn't let so much as a sliver of daylight come through. There were several room-sets around the walls ranging from a plain white backcloth with a six inch high white stage in front, to a brass bed with satin sheets and a fake fur throw  Lisa was relieved to see that the few lights that were on, focused on the white stage, not the bed. She felt cold and realised that the only warmth in the studio came from the lights. With no natural daylight, the room was surprisingly cool. She wondered how she was going to do an underwear photo shoot without catching pneumonia.
     “Well, Lisa, what sort of shots do you need?” Liam asked, as he walked over to the white stage and turned on some more lights.
      “I know Sarah mentioned something about underwear, but don’t you need some general shots as well?”
     “I don’t know,” she answered. “I only have these clothes with me.”
 By the time he’d finished, the white stage was a blinding wall of light. He studied Lisa for a moment in the clothes she was wearing.
     “Well, it'll take a few minutes for it to get warm enough for underwear shots, so why don't we give it a go and take a few shots of you and see how it looks. Don’t worry; when these lights have been on for half an hour, it gets pretty damned hot in here.”
Lisa was relieved. Liam showed her where she could freshen up in the corner of the studio at a dressing table with bare bulbs surrounding a mirror on the wall. It reminded Lisa of the dressing room in a theatre, and the bright light allowed her to check her makeup and re-apply her lip liner accurately before putting on her lipstick. To the side of the dressing table there was a screen and a hat and coat stand with various items of clothing hanging from it, and Lisa assumed that was where all the models got changed.
     By the time she walked back towards the stage set the temperature had risen slightly, but she still felt cold. Liam had positioned a chrome barstool on the stage and he asked her to sit on it while he took some head shots. As he was clicking away she relaxed and gained confidence from his comments.
     “You have a great face, Lisa and your lips are lovely. I can see you getting a lot of work,” he added as he clicked away.
     The flattery made Lisa smile happily into the lens and her eyes sparkled. After ten minutes of head shots and full body shots on the stool in her zipped up suit, Liam asked her if she was warm enough to take off her jacket. Lisa still felt cold, but she wanted to get the whole thing over with as soon as possible, especially remembering that Alan was waiting for her downstairs.
     As Liam watched her take off her jacket, he let out a low whistle.
     “You have one great body Lisa - you're going to go far...”
Lisa smiled. She was unaware of the effect that the cold had had on her nipples, which now showed clearly through her blouse.
     “That looks great, Lisa, that’s it, throw your head back. WONDERFUL—You’re a natural! Now let your eyes close slightly, and think of something that turns you on.”
       Lisa had no problem with that, thanks to Alan.
     “That’s fantastic-- I don't know what you're thinking about, Lisa, but its making you look so good-- don't stop.” Liam shouted, as his camera clicked away.
Lisa put one high heel onto the lower bar of the stool and flicked her hair over her shoulder in a provocative stance. She was really beginning to enjoy herself. She had thought it would be much harder to relax.
     By the time Liam had shot a whole film of Lisa in her skirt and top, the temperature in the studio had risen considerably, and she was beginning to feel really confident. Liam turned to her, delighted with the way she had responded to the camera.
    “Ready for the underwear shots, Lisa?” he asked, changing his lens.
She walked away from the dazzling lights so she could focus on him before answering.
     “Yes, I think Sarah said you had some here from another shoot.”
Liam was already searching through a metal trunk in the corner of the studio. He triumphantly produced two sets of bra and pants sets, but neither looked suitable for an innocent teenager.
The pants were fine and filmy and had a g-string back. She stared at them wondering what to do for the best.
     “I don't think that's what Sarah had in mind,” Lisa said, embarrassed at the thought of wearing something like that in front of a stranger, even if he was a photographer.
     “And anyway, they look rather see-through to me,” she added, surprised that he expected her to wear them.
Liam laughed, sensing her embarrassment. He looked in the trunk again. There was nothing else.
     “Well I'm afraid that’s all I've got here. Do you want to leave it till tomorrow when you can bring your own?” he asked.
     Lisa thought for a moment. She knew she didn't have enough time to wait another day until the photos were ready, but she would also have to go out and buy some if she did. Coming back was just not an option. She took the underwear from him and looked at it dubiously. It would just have to do.
     “No- I'll just have to use these, but I don't think they're the sort of thing a teenager would wear. They're so see-through; they leave nothing to the imagination.”
Liam tried to put her mind at rest.
     “By the time I've finished digitally removing anything you shouldn't see, you'll be able to show these pictures to the Queen, Lisa. Don't you worry about that.”
Believing that she really didn't have much choice, Lisa went behind the screen and changed into the first, more respectable set of underwear. Thankfully, with her two holidays that year she was well tanned, and the bikinis she had worn were a similar shape. When she thought about it, the underwear was no different from the sort of swimwear she wore in front of hundreds of people on holiday, it was just that she wasn't beside a pool, and she still felt incredibly self conscious.
     While she was trying to muster the confidence to come out and face Liam, she heard his voice on the other side of the screen.
     “I don't know about you, Lisa, but I have a wife and family to go home to. Do you think we could get started?” he asked impatiently.
 Lisa pulled herself together and came out from behind the screen.  Liam looked impressed.
     “You look absolutely gorgeous, Lisa. You're going to knock them dead when they see these.” he added reassuringly, which restored her confidence again immediately.
     After twenty minutes Lisa couldn't get over how much she was enjoying the photo shoot. She knew it was mostly down to Liam, whose compliments and words of encouragement made her feel so good, but she realistically assumed that he gave all of the models that kind of encouragement and she enjoyed it for what it was worth.
     By the time she had changed into the second more sexy set of underwear, she felt as though she’d been in front of the camera all her life. Even the skimpy underwear wasn't fazing her any more, thanks to Liam and his constant encouraging comments.
 Between shots he had managed to extract the story of how she had ended up in Chelmsford looking for a job- and it didn't seem to surprise him.
     “So, what's the deal with Sarah? I know that you can't afford to pay for this at the moment, but what's the job going to be worth at the end of the day to you?” he asked while he changed the lens on his camera yet again.
Lisa felt a bit stupid. She hadn't thought to ask.
    “I don't know-- what do companies usually pay for this sort of thing?”
Liam finished taking another shot and shrugged his shoulders.
     “I've no idea. The only time I deal direct with the client is for the glamour stuff I do. I know that pays the models pretty well, but I haven't a clue about agency stuff. Have you any idea how much this lot is going to cost you?”
Liam clicked again, catching her turning towards him, her hair swirling in the air.
     “Sarah thought that it would be at least two fifty,“ Lisa answered as she looked towards the lens.
Liam drew in his breath.
     “And the rest-- With all due respect, Lisa, I think you’re a lovely kid, but I've had to put off an out of town job to stay here this afternoon and get this done. By the time I've finished shooting these and airbrushing out any naughty bits on the computer, which could take all evening-- you're talking five hundred at least...”
     Lisa felt the blood drain from her face when she realised that she should have asked Liam the cost involved the moment she walked in. Not only that, she should definitely have asked Sarah what the job was worth if she got it. If she didn't get the job, it was even worse. Lisa broke into a cold sweat, feeling stupidly naive.
Liam realised from her expression that she'd had no idea how much it would cost, and put the camera down before walking over to her.,
     “Is that a problem?” he asked sympathetically, his hands on his hips.
The look on Lisa's face said it all. Liam thought she was going to burst into tears.
     “I don't know how I'm going to pay you, Liam, especially if I don't get this job.”
Liam stood and thought for a minute.
     “Look, Lisa, I know you probably won't go for this idea, but if you did, I could get rid of the cost of this photo shoot-- It's up to you.”
Lisa was prepared to consider anything, within reason.
     “Why-- what would I have to do?” she asked tentatively.
Lisa wasn't unduly surprised when Liam inclined his head towards the bed with the sleazy satin sheets and the fur throw.
     “I have a good client who pays upwards of five hundred for pictures of beautiful girls lying on that bed, dressed much the way as you are now.”
Lisa immediately remembered her brother's words of caution, and wished she'd listened to him. There had to be another way.
     “No, I'm sorry, Liam,” she said, “I'm not prepared to do that, especially in underwear like this.”
Liam shrugged his shoulders. He thought she would jump at the chance.
    “That’s cool, Lisa. I just thought I might be doing you a favour. You wouldn't owe me anything for your portfolio, and when you get the job, which I'm sure you will, it means you get to keep the money for yourself. I just think it's a bit hard that you're going to have to work for nothing for a while, when you could be earning right from the start.”
     Lisa didn't know what to do, and wished Alan was there to give her some advice. But he had been waiting for her for over an hour already, and it would take another fifteen minutes at least to go downstairs, talk to him, and come back up again.
      She looked at Liam and tried to assess if he was safe. The reference to his wife and family when he had been waiting for her to get changed made her feel easier, and he certainly hadn't done anything to unnerve her so far, in fact, just the opposite, he had acted completely professionally.
     “How long would it take?” She asked cautiously, beginning to feel that perhaps his suggestion was her only possible option.
     “As long as it takes for me to move these lights over to the bed set, and for you to take your bra off,” he answered matter of factly.
 Liam expected a reaction, and Lisa didn't disappoint him. She looked horrified.
     “You didn't mention taking my bra off before!”
Liam laughed at her naivety.
     “And why do you think some guy is going to pay five hundred quid for pictures he can see in an underwear shop? Be realistic, Lisa, for that sort of money we're talking sensual bare tits, which you definitely have.”
Lisa started to panic as she watched Liam unplugging the lights to move them over to the other set. If he sensed she was having doubts, he didn't let on.
     “I don't have to take anything else off, do I?” she asked, looking down at the skimpy g-string. Liam started to look irritated.
     “If you want to do hard porn, Lisa you'll get paid a lot more. But I'm not suggesting that, just some nice girlie shots of a girl on a bed with great tits- Now, are we doing it or not?” he asked, the irritation obvious in his voice.
Lisa didn't see that she had much choice. The odds were totally stacked against her. She couldn’t afford the portfolio any other way. She nodded pathetically.
      Liam asked her to take her bra off before he set up the lights, in case the seams of the bra left any marks on her skin, so Lisa reluctantly took it off and crossed her arms over her breasts. She felt more naked than the day she was born. Liam turned to her while he was moving the lights, sensing how uncomfortable she was feeling.
     “Are you sure that you want to do this Lisa? You don’t have to...”
Lisa nodded again. She was past caring, and just wanted to get it over with.
     “Then sit on the bed while I'm setting up. I've got to get the light right,” he instructed.
     While Liam held his light meter up and let off a couple of flashes, Lisa sat miserably on the bed, her arms still folded in front of her. When he’d finished setting up, he told her to lie back on the bed and think of whatever it was that had turned her on before, but she couldn't. Somehow it seemed cheap to associate Alan and their love making with the sordid bed and the slimy satin sheets.
     Liam took a few shots, but he wasn't happy with them because she still looked far too tense.
     “Come on, Lisa. Loosen up, or this just isn't going to happen...”
Lisa tried again, lying back on the pillows with her hips slightly twisted, one leg pulled up a little bit higher than the other. Liam looked irritated when he looked through the lens and didn't like what he saw.
     “Your nipples, Lisa-- they're too soft. Perk them up a bit, and try licking your lips...” He shouted from behind the lens.
Lisa threw her head back, her tongue moistening her lips as she tried, yet again, to conjure up erotic thoughts. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine that it was Alan, not her left hand that was fondling her right breast. It was hopeless. The only image that sprung to mind was Alan sitting in his car waiting for her.
      Liam carried on taking pictures as Lisa tried unsuccessfully to look provocative, but nothing would work because the whole thing was totally alien to her. The only way she understood erotica was with Alan—with someone she loved.
Eventually Liam lost his patience…
Alan was getting annoyed waiting in the car. He didn't even have anything to read, and he had run out of cigarettes half an hour before. He had been tempted to pop down to the shop half a mile along the road, but he kept thinking Lisa wouldn't be much longer, so hung on. She had been up there an hour and a half, and Alan was surprised that it could take so long to take a few pictures. He got out of the car and stretched his legs, looking up at the top of the warehouse as he walked around.
     Eventually he decided to go up and check that she was okay, but when he went to the entrance, he found that it was locked. He'd watched people coming out of the building at five o'clock from other businesses, but he hadn't seen anyone come out for at least a quarter of an hour or so. All he knew for certain was that Lisa was still inside and on the top floor. There were no buzzers or intercom for any of the companies at the front door, so he didn't know how to get in now that the front door was locked. He began to feel really concerned and cursed himself for not checking on her earlier. Anything could have happened to her.
      Alan tried the front entrance door once more, with no success, so he walked round to the back and tried the door there. That was locked too, but after he had banged on the door half a dozen times a cleaning lady came and opened it. She eyed him up and down suspiciously, but let him in when he explained that he was there to collect his girlfriend.
      Ignoring the lift, he ran up the stairs, two at a time and just as he reached the top floor-- he heard Lisa scream.
When Lisa had felt Liam's hands on her naked breasts, her eyes had snapped open.
     “What the hell do you think you're doing?” she shouted, as she tried to sit up and push his hands away.
Liam looked down at her in the same way the rapist had twelve months before when she had run away from home.
     “I'm only trying to help you out, Lisa-- I know a perfect way to make those tits look better…” 
He climbed on top of her, pinning her to the bed with his hips, his hands on her breasts.
     “Come on Lisa-- I know that you're up for it-- a sexy little babe like you-- just relax!”
Try though she might, Lisa couldn't move from under him. Before she knew it, he had clipped the handcuffs attached to the metal bed frame to her wrists, and she was reduced to squirming pathetically on the bed while Liam took off his trousers. She watched helplessly as he stepped out of his boxers, and came towards her with a look of pure lust on his face.
     “Please Liam,” she cried, kicking her legs wildly towards him in a desperate bid to keep him away from her.
Unperturbed by her plea, Liam climbed on top of her, turned on by the role play of captor and slave he had enacted on the bed so many times before with others. Just as she had done twelve months before, Lisa screamed at the top of her voice.
When Alan reached the top of the stairs and heard Lisa screaming, he ran from one door to the other trying to follow her voice, but it took him a few seconds to work out which door it came from. He ran towards it with all the weight of his shoulder, and went crashing through the door, the noise of splintering wood, almost as loud as Lisa’s screams.
     When Alan looked across the studio and saw Lisa near naked, handcuffed to a bed, and struggling with a guy on top of her who was wearing nothing but a black polo neck sweater, he lost it completely. Without thinking, he shot across the room, pulled Liam off her, and flung him to the floor with strength he never knew he had.
     He looked over at Lisa to check that she was all right, before he started kicking Liam with the ferocity of a madman The vision of seeing Liam on top of her when he entered the room had taken him to the edge of his sanity. He just wanted to kill him.
     Eventually Liam stopped moving, and lay on the floor moaning, his body twisted with pain, his hands cupped protectively around his manhood which had stood out so proudly before. Then, and only then, did Alan stop kicking him.
     As his rage subsided and his breathing returned to normal, he looked across at Liam's motionless body and realised that in his fury, he had completely lost control. Lisa lay on the bed, her arms still attached to the bed frame stretched pathetically behind her head. Her face was ashen.
He ran over to her, not knowing what to do next, looking around desperately for the key that would unleash her.
     “Lisa are you hurt?” he asked.  
She stared back at him blankly and shook her head.
     Like a madman, he started searching through every box and trinket on the bedside tables, flinging things wildly to the floor. At last, after what seemed like an eternity, he found the key under the bed.
      Once he’d unlocked her wrists, Alan wrapped one of the black satin sheets around Lisa to cover her nakedness, and started looking for her clothes. He had to get her out of there before Liam came round, or he knew he would lose control again-- and this time he would kill him.
Eventually he found her things behind the screen, and when she was more or less dressed, he half walked, half carried her down the stairs to his car.

Alan had saved her once again....

Lisa Collins...Main Character
Alan...A boy Lisa met whilst visiting her friend in Chelmsford.
Carla...Alan's girlfriend
Fiona Collins...Lisa's mother
Donald Collins...Lisa's father
Scott Collins...Lisa's brother
Nick Corday...A multimillionaire who has fallen in love with Lisa.
Vikki Clark...Lisa's friend from Chelmsford.
Dave Wilson... Policeman
Eve Brookes...Police woman who befriends Lisa
Jack Turner... Alan's father
Kathy Turner...Alan's mother
Karen Turner...Alan's sister
Richard Clark...Vikki's wealthy cousin from London.
Liam...the photographer she goes to in Chelmsford.
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