General Fiction posted February 5, 2012 Chapters:  ...31 32 -33- 34... 

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All the planning ends in a result.

A chapter in the book The Red Dress

The Red Dress chapter thirty three

by alexisleech

Believing Alan no longer loves her because she doesn't know about his accident, seventeen year old Lisa receives a call from Nick, the millionaire who had proposed to her ten days after he met her.

    Lisa was becoming very confused by everyone's mood swings on Saturday morning. Firstly, she couldn't work out what the big deal was with the string quartet. She hadn't appreciated that any of her fellow students were that much into classical music. Secondly, she wasn't the only one who hadn't registered that it was even happening. There were others in the convent boarding school who didn't seem to know anything about it. Lastly, there seemed to be some weird fascination with what all her friends were going to wear, and Amy seemed to dislike everything she put on.
     Teddy came into her room when she was getting changed yet again under Amy's watchful eye. She looked great, and Lisa realised she had swapped her glasses for contact lenses and done something with her hair.
     “Teddy, what's so important about this thing this afternoon?” she asked. “And why is everyone getting dressed up? Amy won't tell me anything.” she added, shooting a look of frustration in Amy's direction.
Teddy shrugged her shoulders. Unbeknownst to Lisa, their days of planning were hopefully about to pay off.
     “I'm dressed up because my brother's coming to take me out for the weekend, but I'm not going until I've heard the concert. I'm really looking forward to it, aren’t you?”
     Lisa nodded and tried to look enthusiastic, but she still couldn’t match that of her friends. She put on a cream sweater, matching jeans, and beige boots. At last Amy seemed satisfied.
     Eventually they all went out into the grounds, and sure enough, there was a string quartet set up on the grass beside the playing fields. The girls who had assembled there were sitting about in groups on the grass, chatting and waiting patiently for the musicians to finish tuning their instruments. Lisa sat down beside the rest of the gang who were under a large oak tree. She then waited for them to start, which they didn't.
     “What are they waiting for?” she whispered to Chloe
Everyone had gone silent and looked towards the sky. Chloe turned to her with a big grin on her face, her eyes bright with anticipation.
     “They're waiting for the conductor,” she whispered back, as though it was some kind of secret.
Lisa looked around for the conductor but couldn't see any sign of one.
     “Where is he?” She asked as quietly as she could.
Chloe just carried on smiling and pointed up at the sky by way of explanation. Lisa could hear the sound of a helicopter in the distance. She now understood why everyone was looking up.
     The whole thing was bizarre, and Lisa wondered why they needed a conductor in the first place. She thought you needed a full orchestra to justify having one. Stranger still, when the helicopter landed on the playing field, a man dressed in black tails jumped out and started walking towards the musicians. Lisa nearly burst out laughing thinking that it was all a bit over the top.
     By the time the blades of the helicopter stopped rotating, the conductor was standing in front of the four musicians with his baton raised. Everyone fell silent again.
     They started with a beautiful piece from Vivaldi, and Lisa realised why everyone had been looking forward to them playing. They sounded exquisite. She lay back against the tree and shut her eyes letting the autumn sun warm her skin while the music soothed her soul. She didn't see a second figure get out of the helicopter and start walking over towards her.
     Lisa felt her mind wander as she listened to the sweet sound of the music when suddenly she felt the sunlight cut off from her face. She thought a cloud must have passed over them, so she opened her eyes to look up at the sky.
     Nick was standing in front of her and she nearly jumped out of her skin. He looked down at her smiling, with his two hands outstretched for her to take. Lisa looked at her friends sitting on the grass beside her and saw them all smiling back at her. They must have known about this all along because not one of them looked surprised. She instinctively took Nick's hands and stood up to face him as he looked into her eyes. It was like some kind of crazy dream, and she couldn't believe what was happening. He was taller than she remembered and his grey blue eyes softer, as they stared into hers.
     When the music ended, she stood in a trance as his lips came towards hers, and he kissed her with incredible tenderness. All she could hear were the cheers of the girls all around her, and all she could feel was the love radiating from Nick, the same love  she had seen in his eyes. Lisa couldn't believe he still wanted her, and the guilt came flooding back. She didn't deserve a second chance. She had treated him so badly, but there he was, showing the world how much he loved her, unlike Alan, who couldn't even answer his phone.
     When their kiss finished, Nick held her at arm's length before the musicians broke into a whispered version of 'Evergreen,' the music haunting and romantic.
     “Lisa, I love you so much…”
Nick let go of her for a moment and took a small leather box from his pocket. When he opened it, there was a magnificent diamond solitaire nestled in the royal blue silk. Everyone watched, thinking how romantic it was as he got down on one knee. Nick was giving her a second chance, and this time she was glad-  not because she needed to escape from her mother, but because she needed to love and be loved in return. The pain she had gone through since she'd arrived at the school had proved to her that she couldn't live without knowing that someone wanted her. It was as necessary as the air she breathed.
     “Lisa…will you marry me?”
His question hung in the air like the musical notes that were playing. She looked back at Nick, not knowing what to say.
     “I don't want you to answer me until you're sure. I'll wait for your answer for as long as it takes. Forever if necessary...”
He had taken the pressure off her, but the others still waited, and she knew what they wanted to hear. Dozens of eyes watched as she tried to regain her composure. Everything went through her mind as time stood still and she looked back at Nick. Lisa remembered how uncertain she had been when he had asked her before, but this time it was different. He had proved to her that his love would be there forever. She knew from their conversation on the phone that he believed he couldn't live without her.
     “I don't deserve you,” she whispered.
Nick stood up and took the ring out of the box, holding it up so the light caught its brilliance.
     “Is that a yes?” he asked tentatively.
Lisa held out her left hand so Nick could put the ring on her finger.
That tiny little word filled the air, and everyone was cheering except for her and Nick. He had taken her in his arms again and held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe. When he eventually let her go, he started kissing her face, her neck, her lips, even her hands.
     Teddy looked over at her brother, who in turn looked over at the photographer who was taking shots of the happy couple with the crowds of excited cheering teenagers behind them.
     “Well, was it worth the trip, Dan?” she asked him.
Teddy's brother couldn't believe his luck. This would be the scoop of the year.
     “It sure was, Sis. This is unbelievable!”
It was at least half an hour before Nick and Lisa were allowed any time to themselves. Nick took her hand and steered her towards the privacy of one of the disused courtyards, so he could hold her without everyone watching. When they got there, he kissed her again with such passion, she couldn't help but respond.
     The warmth of his lips melted away all the pain that had engulfed her broken heart, and she kissed him back in a way she had never kissed him before. All thoughts of the bitterness she’d felt because of Alan’s rejection were washed away, and replaced by the adoration Nick was showing her.
     After a few minutes Nick broke away and walked a few steps away from her, knowing that if he didn't, he might get carried away.
     “God, Lisa, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment. When your friends told me you still loved me, and how upset you were at the thought of losing me, I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t have arranged all this without them. They’ve been absolutely fantastic.”
Now she understood. Little did her friends know they had misinterpreted her words when she had confided in Amy about how she was in love with someone who didn’t love her in return. She felt so foolish. While she had been pining for a selfish bastard who wouldn’t even speak to her, a wonderful loving man had been breaking his heart over her. They had been given a second chance, and she would be eternally grateful to her friends for making it happen.
     At that moment Teddy arrived. She had been looking for Lisa and Nick everywhere.
     “I’m sorry to interrupt, Nick, but the pilot wants to know if you’re returning to London with him. He’s ready to take off.”
Lisa looked disappointed. Surely Nick wasn’t going to disappear so quickly? They had so much to talk about, including what had happened with Alan. She didn’t want to restart this relationship with any secrets. She needed to be honest.
     Teddy burst out laughing when she saw the expression on her face.
     “Don’t worry, Lisa, your chariot awaits. Everything’s arranged for you to come up to London with me and my brother for the weekend. We didn’t think Sister Newsom would be too impressed if you jumped into a helicopter with Nick, so we thought a little bit of planning would insure your privacy. If Nick goes back in the helicopter, it should throw everyone off your scent.”
Lisa turned to Nick with a look of panic. Everything was happening so fast, and she felt overwhelmed by everyone’s assumption that this was what she wanted. Getting engaged to Nick was one thing, jumping into bed with him five minutes later was another.
     It was Nick’s turn to burst out laughing when he saw her standing there like a frightened rabbit.
     “It’s okay, Lisa, I’ve booked a suite at the Hilton with two bedrooms. I thought it would give us a chance to catch up without the media breathing down our necks. You don’t have to come up to London with Teddy and her brother, it was just an idea...”
She smiled at him, genuinely wanting to make him happy, which she knew she could. She remembered Alan's amazement at her not having slept with Nick the first time she'd agreed to marry him. Perhaps if she had, neither of them would have suffered so much.
     “ No, I’d like that,” she answered with a smile. I’ll come up with Teddy later. You better get back in the helicopter and stop the tongues wagging.”
     “Are you sure?” Nick asked. God knows, he didn’t want to frighten her off again.
She smiled happily before she answered
     “Yes I am- very sure.”
     The crowds of girls had dwindled, but there were still a few left standing around who watched Lisa and Nick kiss goodbye before he flew off. She raised her hand to wave and felt the unfamiliar weight of the magnificent solitaire on her finger, before her friends all crowded around her, delighted with the outcome of their efforts.
    Amy was the first to congratulate her, and she gave Lisa a big hug. Veronique then kissed her on both cheeks.
     “Well done, Cherie, he looks like a wonderful man, and so handsome!”
     Lisa felt better with every compliment that came her way. Everything had happened so quickly, she was feeling a bit shell-shocked by it all. She momentarily thought about Alan, and how much she had loved him. What she'd felt for him was different from the way she felt now. It wasn't the heady roller-coaster ride feeling she'd known with Alan in the two short weeks they were together. It was more like the love that grows out of respect, and the belief that someone will always be there for you. Maybe this was the way it was meant to be. A lover to teach you about sex, and a husband to love and cherish you. At least that way you could only remember your first love in one way, and the memory wouldn't be tainted by every day, mundane life. What she’d experienced with Alan had been wonderful, but it was over, and however much she had loved him, she had to put him to the back of her mind.
     As they got closer to London, Lisa was beginning to get nervous. The last time she had been with Nick, she had been a virgin, and had allowed him to do no more than kiss her. That seemed like light years ago now, and she knew what he wanted or expected. She still thought that telling him what had happened between her and Alan, and how they had become lovers, was essential, but when she remembered how important her virginity was to him, she realised that the truth would probably break his heart. If Nick asked, she would tell him, and if he didn't, she would let him believe what he wanted to believe.
     When Nick got back to London, he went shopping. Before, he had tried to hide his wealth from Lisa, but her reaction today to his extravagance made him want to give her more.
     He went into one of the exclusive lingerie shops in South Molten Street, and with the help of a very pretty assistant, managed to pick out some exquisite underwear. After that, he bought a beautiful negligee fit for a princess, his princess. The long skirt of the dressing gown was made from ivory silk taffeta and trailed on the floor at the back. The black velvet, empire bodice was cut low and had a taffeta stand up frill, which reminded Nick of the sort of outfit Snow White had worn. He knew Lisa would look fabulous in the gown and the delicate black silk nightdress that went underneath. Nick had the assistant gift wrap everything while he went to find a necklace. He was determined that this was going to be a perfect night.
     By the time Nick got back to the hotel, he was laden down with boxes, and he couldn't wait to get up to his suite and lay the presents out for Lisa in his room. When he had finished putting everything in place, he rang room service and arranged for dinner to be served in his suite, ordering the foods he remembered Lisa had ordered when he had taken her out for dinner in the Isle of Man. Satisfied that he could do no more, he went for a shower.
     Lisa looked up at the hotel as Dan parked the car, and felt her heart pounding. It was one thing to thrill a crowd as she had done that afternoon, but alone with Nick, knowing what was probably going to happen; Lisa was beginning to lose her nerve. She needed to know that she could love Nick in every sense of the word and replace her feelings for Alan with something as passionate as she knew real love could be. The fact that everyone thought Nick was great helped, and she knew she was very lucky, but she was scared all the same.
     Dan and Teddy didn't come in with her, and Teddy just winked as she said goodbye by the car.
     “We'll pick you up at four tomorrow- Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Teddy shouted through the open window of the car.
Lisa laughed nervously and thanked them for their help.
     As she walked into the hotel, she felt her body trembling. She asked for Mr Corday's suite, and was immediately given the red carpet treatment. The staff had been told what to do. She was escorted to the fifth floor, suite 516. When she knocked on the door, Nick opened it almost at once. She expected him to take her in his arms, but he surprised her by ushering her into the lounge where a pile of beautifully wrapped presents was lying.
     Nick had changed into a v-necked sweater and black chinos, and Lisa could see what the girls meant when they went on about how good looking he was; he looked gorgeous. She suddenly realised she had never really looked at him in that way before. When they had dated on holiday she'd found him attractive, but because of the age gap he hadn't really turned her on- as she now knew a man could. There was no question that the comments of friends her own age had changed her perception of him. Because of the age gap she had always felt she was somehow doing Nick some kind of a favour in agreeing to marry him. It was only just occurring to her that it was actually the other way around.   
     Nick was behaving like an eight-year-old at Christmas, except it was Lisa who had to open all the presents. She was disappointed he hadn't kissed her because she had come expecting him to want to as soon as she walked through the door, but he seemed more interested in her opening her presents.. What she didn't realise was that Nick had thought long and hard about their first night alone together. Their romance in the summer had been so rushed, and he realised he had tried to pack in too much, in too short a time. The end result was self-explanatory. Lisa had bolted and ran. He was determined when he and Lisa made love for the first time, it would be because she wanted to, not because she should. He would wait until she made the first move, however frustrating it might be.
     While Lisa started unwrapping his presents, Nick poured her a glass of champagne. When she opened the silk taffeta robe, she loved it immediately.
     “Can I try it on?” she asked excitedly, like a child asks a parent when they want to play with a special present.
     “Only if you promise to be wearing something underneath. I've ordered dinner for eight thirty, and I can't have the waiters dropping everything,” he replied, smiling happily back at her.
Now she was totally confused. He referred to the waiters and not to himself.
     She went into the bedroom with the gown and some of the exquisite underwear Nick had bought her. As she put it on, she had a flashback to Liam's studio and the underwear there. There was no comparison. This was silk and, although delicate, not see-through. Amazingly, it fitted like a glove. When she put on the robe, it also fitted perfectly. It was low cut, but not provocative, and the matching black high heels made her feel tall and elegant. She caught her hair up on top of her head so he could see her neck framed by the stiff frill which rose from her bust. When she looked in the mirror, she didn't need the twelve hundred pound price tag to tell her how good she looked.
     When Lisa came back into the lounge, she recognised the same look in Nick's eyes that she had seen in Alan's when she had walked in wearing the red dress. Nick just looked at her for a moment and then rose from his chair, smiling appreciatively, before handing her a red leather box. Inside, nestled in the white silk lay a gold necklace with small sapphires and diamonds, their radiance catching the light from the candles. Nick took the necklace from the box as she was still staring at it and fastened the catch. At last he allowed himself to touch her, and he kissed the back of her neck tenderly just below the gold clasp. Lisa expected him to carry on kissing her, but he didn't.
     Just one single kiss, which left a tingling sensation where his lips had been, and she felt worshiped in a way she had never known before.
     There was a knock at the door, and Nick was relieved. He knew he couldn't hold back much longer. He wanted to hold her so much.
     The two waiters who laid out the food were silent as they pulled out a chair for each of them, and the atmosphere was thick with sexual anticipation. As soon as they had served the first course of asparagus and hollandaise sauce, Nick told them they could manage on their own. He tipped them generously and told them to leave.  Nick stretched the glass in his hand over to Lisa, and toasted her for making him the happiest man alive. Then, much to Lisa’s consternation, he picked up his fork and started to eat.
     By the end of the beautiful meal, which Lisa hardly touched, she was utterly bewildered. What was she doing there if he didn't want to make love to her? He had told her so many times that he wanted her, and God knows his actions had proved it, but she had never made the first move with him before. She didn't know how to now because she was in total awe of him. It had been so different with Alan; everything had been so spontaneous between them.
     Nick got up and poured her another glass of wine. Sensing her confusion, he stood behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She leaned her head towards his hand and closed her eyes, hoping he wouldn't stop, but he did, and she turned to him completely confused.
     “Please, Nick; I don't know what to do… don't you want me?”
He couldn't help himself, and felt his hand moving from her shoulder down to her breast. The very touch of her skin made him excited, and he was glad he was standing behind her. She tilted her head back and searched for his lips, which met hers with such force, she thought her neck would break...


Lisa Collins...Main Character
Alan...A boy Lisa met whilst visiting her friend in Chelmsford.
Carla...Alan's girlfriend
Fiona Collins...Lisa's mother
Donald Collins...Lisa's father
Scott Collins...Lisa's brother
Nick Corday...A multimillionaire who has fallen in love with Lisa.
Vikki Clark...Lisa's friend from Chelmsford.
Dave Wilson... Policeman
Eve Brookes...Police woman who befriends Lisa
Jack Turner... Alan's father
Kathy Turner...Alan's mother
Karen Turner...Alan's sister
Richard Clark...Vikki's wealthy cousin from London.
Amy...the girl who befriends Lisa when she arrives at the school.
Teddy, Veronique, Chloe and Linda...Lisa's new school friends.

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