Self Improvement Poetry posted July 10, 2013

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Am I a Prisoner of My Life?

by dejohnsrld (Debbie)

Am I a Prisoner of My Life?
Some things are set in stone
It does no good to bemoan
These are facts that can't be changed
But so much of life can be rearranged
I can begin by acceptance
Of what is happenstance
And while doing so, change my attitude
Holding strong to feelings of gratitude
I have so many choices in how I live
Life has so very much to give
In so many ways I have a choice
And by writing, can share my voice
I can love and I can share
About so much I have to care
If I stop to search my soul
I find a cornucopia which is full
In so much of life I can partake
Not to do so a mistake
Paying attention to my spirit
Provides a particular merit
To being a prisoner, I would say no
I have so many ways in which to grow
In doing so I have a wonderful chance
Of enjoying life’s mystical dance


Thanks to MarisaAl for the awesome artwork

This started out to be a contest entry-story about a prisoner,but insisted on being a poem

I know, It's a familiar message, but sometimes I have to write about it to remind myself of how wonderful life can truly be.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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