General Fiction posted August 18, 2013

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A party game goes...wrong?

Truth Games

by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell

It was just a silly game, but I am beginning to feel rotten. I mean, why am I letting him carry on? I can see how embarrassed he is going to be, yet I'm standing here, not saying or doing anything to stop him. And worst of all, it was all my idea!"

It began two days ago when my friend, Karen, called and asked if she could come over. She had a problem and needed my help. Of course, I said, yes.

I took a bottle of wine out of the fridge, and brought two glasses into the lounge as soon as she arrived.

"So, what's the problem," I asked, handing her a drink.

"It's Joey, I think he is going to ask me to marry him, and I'm not in love with him. He is just...well; he's like a brother, not a lover." She sighed and took another sip of her wine.
"What shall I do?"

"Tell him." I sat down on the floor and bringing my legs up to my chest, rested my chin on my knees.

"I can't do that!" She looked horrified. "It would be ..."

"Kind. If you don't want to marry him, what else can you do?"

"Oh, I don't know. I could scream! Why is this happening to me?!" Karen stood up and went for a re-fill, then brought the bottle over and topped my glass up too. "You were always the brains in class, what else can you come up with, that isn't, oh, you know, cruel?"

"OK. Let's think this through. You think Joey will propose, and you don't want to upset him by saying, no, right?" Karen just nodded, miserably. "So, what about throwing a party, having all your friends round and have a game of, 'truth'."

Karen frowned, then her eyes lit up. "Excellent! Julie, you are a genius!" She jumped up and started to dance around the room with her glass of wine still in her hand. Quickly, seeing my carpet ending up with a big red stain on it, I jumped up and took it away from her.

"I will ask the questions," I told her, "and will make sure I ask you your question before I ask Joey."

"Perfect! I knew I could rely on you!"

That was two days ago, and now it was all going wrong. Karen had asked twelve of her work-mates round and the evening was going well. Joey hadn't arrived yet, and Karen was so caught up in the party, she didn't seem to notice. It was eight o'clock, when he arrived, and my, he certainly looked the part. Karen stopped dancing and rushed over to him.

"Joey! I was beginning to think you weren't coming. You look so handsome!" She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss, smack on his lips.

He laughed, and swung her around. "I am supposed to be the one who says that." He put her down, and still laughing, told her he had to get something special before he came tonight.

"Mysterious!" She grabbed hold of his hand, and pulling him into the middle of the room began smooching with him to a slow, romantic tune that was now playing on her stereo.

I watched, fascinated. Karen didn't really look like the girl I was talking to the other night. In fact, she looked positively blooming. Then the food was served and when everyone one was sitting down with a plate on their laps, I jumped up and suggested the game of 'Truth'.

Everyone cheered, and each one wanted to be first. I started with one of the fellows, Tom.
"So, Tom, what is your deepest fear?"

He frowned, squinting his eyes. "I think my deepest fear is of heights. Ever since I was a child and fell from the first floor window, I have been terrified of them."

Everyone nodded, agreeing that it would make them terrified too. Tom sat down, and I gradually went around the room, asking all manner of questions. 'Who was your first boyfriend? What did you cuddle in bed when you were a child? Lot's of silly, but embarrassing questions. Then just as I was going to ask Karen, Joey piped up, saying.

"My most embarrassing thing would be, if I got the wrong answer to my next question."
And with that, he stood up and walked into the middle of the room, taking out a little box. Then kneeling down in front of Karen, asked her...

"Karen, I have loved you for years, since we first went to toddlers group. There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you, and I promise I will love and protect you for as long as I have breath to breathe. Just say you will do me the greatest honour and become my wife?"

The room went silent, no one breathed. All eyes turned to Karen, and Karen's eyes were fixed only on Joey.

I waited for the moment when she said, no. Why oh why did I suggest this game? I was dying inside, dreading the moment when the look in Joey's face changed from adoration to humiliation. Then Karen stood up, and held out her hand...

"I don't know what to say..." The room stayed silent, waiting.

Joey never took his eyes of her. Then, Karen smiled.

"You have made me the happiest girl in the world!" She laughed and pulled Joey up and flung her arms around his neck.

Joey put the ring on Karen's finger and then told everyone, "I have loved this beautiful lady since the day we met and my heart is bursting with happiness!"

I just stood there, gobsmacked!


Use These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story but use the following words: silly, rotten, heart, miserable, scream, drink. Words may be used in different formats (for example: drink, drinking, drank)


Thank you photobeat for allowing me the use of your lovely illustration. I have put the competition words in italics and bold.
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