Self Improvement Poetry posted January 24, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
For a friend...

The Path From Pain

by Marillion

He's not addicted to the aching that accompanies rejection, 
but when a fractured heart is breaking, it's a form of self-protection. 

He hides inside the hurting, but he's honest when he screams 
a diatribe of brutal wording that releases and redeems. 

His soul, a fragile reconstruction, has a base of steel and stone 
that helped him weather its reduction; now he's standing on his own. 

A man apart, he'll raise his spirit from the dust his fall creates, 
and those who saddened him will hear it when his laughter resonates, 

a sound of joy and sheer elation in the freedom he discovers 
when he defeats the devastation from a cavalcade of lovers 

who spoke in riddles, which confused him to the point he wouldn't speak, 
and all the jackals who abused him, and considered him a freak. 

So watch this product of derision turn his agony to gain, 
the pure result of his decision to recover from the pain.


Iambic Octameter with internal rhymes within the couplet lines. A couple of feminine endings, which creates the allowable extra syllable. Yes, even in a metered piece. :-)

Great pic by ForbiddenWhispers.

For those concerned, the Rogue is busy with some tramp, but he'll be back in the morning after he's snuck out of her house without waking her up. ;-)

This one is for a friend who is triumphing over personal demons to wrest back control of his life. Thanks for reading.

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