Spiritual Poetry posted July 10, 2014

This work has reached the exceptional level
Considering the boundaries of Gods Creations

The Ether Wind

by His Grayness

The Ether Wind   by HIS GRAYNESS


So strong and powerful almost beyond imagination

It blows divine mind-dust throughout all God's creation

No matter what form of life or physical location.


This dust is micro-mirror pixels uniting a boundless hologram

Reflecting everywhere; all that is, was, or ever will be, all

At once, forever, in a kind of sub-atomic, spiritual video cam


Surprise, you're alive here's a new and exciting mental sunrise

Beaming bright over the horizon of your beliefs without disguise

The truth is now fully aglow right before your very eyes


You're not alone, and you never were, and most of all will never be

For you are part of an all that lives or ever will in any form or entity

We all float about in God's universal play-station of spirituality


Your thoughts are like light-beams that travel forever and ever more

If they're creative and loving, they'll arrive someday at heaven's door

If they're dark and hateful they may even help man create another war


Take joy in knowing we all are just one in this tiny orb spinning round the sun

Greater yet is to know there is much more soul in-light-in-men-to be won

As we journey beyond forever our mission to find God has only begun



I believe we are all connected in a boundless universal Matrix by our DNA all contained in GODS ETHER.
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