General Fiction posted October 6, 2014 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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Two doctors converse about healing in troubled times.

A chapter in the book Vision and Sound: Their Stories

How To Heal: A Discussion

by michaelcahill

Two souls, forever bonded, meet as humans over and over unaware of their bond. In spite of troubling circumstances they somehow are drawn to each other sometimes impossibly.
Previously, Father Leopold followed Rastavius into a kind of dungeon where he murdered a woman in the name of freeing her soul to be with the Lord in Heaven. Leopold became mesmerized by the words of Rastavius and was converted to his way of thinking. Later they encountered Dr. Gregorio and Valerius, as they called upon the Church to check up on the medical condition of the varius church officials. The four of them encounter each other and introductions are made.We continue now as the four of them exchange greetings.

~~~~~~~~Constantinople: Doctor Gregorio calls upon the church

"Father Leopold, indeed the world can be a place of converging roads. I come to seek knowledge of the healing arts. I suspect that your mission is of a similar nature." Valerius smiled. He knew of Leopold and his interest in Julia. However, Leopold knew not of Valerius and his connection to Julia, only as the dutiful son of one of his parishioners."
"Ah, how grand that is to hear. We have been without a physician in the village for a great while. Are you familiar with Trellitia? She is the widow of our former physician. She has great knowledge, but I fear she is difficult to approach."
"Indeed, she has taken a shine to me. Perhaps, something in my manner reminds me of her late husband. It was she that compelled me to make this journey."
"Oh, wonderful. Well, you are in the best of hands here with Doctor Gregorio, son. Rastavius speaks quite highly of him and claims to still be here in service to the Lord because of his great skills."
Gregorio seemed ill at ease between the two priests. "Is the blood on your garments, Rastavius, from your wound? It seems fresh and in need of attendance." It no doubt is of a volume to have killed someone.
Rastavius bristled at the accusatory tone of Gregorio, but maintained the same pretense of congeniality. "Why no, dear friend, I am unharmed. The work of the Lord can be a battle of physical will as well as spiritual at times. Demons are not of a courteous nature and given to discussion."
"Well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Father Leopold. I trust you will gain a great deal of interesting insights from Father Rastavius here." And bloody ones as well.
"Likewise, Doctor Gregorio. I will see you in church I trust, Valerius… Doctor Valerius." He extended his hand.
"Indeed." Valerius clasped his hand and shook it. He extended his hand to Father Rastavius and regretted it as he noted the dried blood covering it. He doubted his smile looked sincere as he shook it and withdrew his hand quickly. Where is the service to the Lord in the shedding of blood?

~~~~~~~~Valerius and Gregorio converse by the pond

"This will be your first, and most important lesson, son."
Gregorio shifted on the bench that faced the pond, but failed to find a position of comfort. Valerius sat with his eyes fixed intently on his new mentor. His mind reeled with what he had heard and seen. The old priest, Rastavius, covered in fresh blood as though he had been in battle. A familiar face from his own village had stood beside him as though that were a perfectly normal thing. He hoped that Gregorio would make sense of it.
"That is the reality of the world, Valerius. The spokesmen of the Lord, covered in blood having murdered in His name. I fear you have met your enemy today. He came here on the wings of fate, as did you. He has engaged his mentor and you are privy to that meeting. That is most fortunate. Rastavius has already turned his head, you see it yourself."
Valerius gazed at the fish swimming without care in the cool waters. "Yes. A man drenched in blood engages in idle conversation while another man stands uncaring, contemplating the direction of the breeze. Two men of God, having been complicit in an unspeakable act of depravity prattle about a sparrow on a branch whilst their souls prepare for eternal damnation."
"Good. I had hoped that these things would be manifest to you. There are many aspects to the role you have chosen, son. There are tools that may not occur to you that must be brought to bear. Foremost is humility. A brash physician is a threat to those that he treats. You must always remain in awe of the mystery of healing, Valerius. Look at it as a blessing from God. You are but the lucky soul chosen to deliver it."
"Yes, yes, I understand. To draw attention to myself draws attention from He who created us. That is obvious here, but true anywhere. I would not have considered that perhaps. I did feel an excitement that I was thrilled to share with Trellitia. Such a display would be off putting to those I seek to build a rapport with."
"You are wise for your years. Now, tell me, how did you effect repair of the shattered limb. I am anxious for the student to enlighten me."
A little of his youthful exuberance returned. "It was almost out of my hands really. Somehow, I felt like I was looking inside of the limb and seeing the bone inside. The outside told me what the inside looked like. It seemed simple when I executed the repair. I was shocked when I heard the limb snap. There was a moment when I thought I had injured it further. A moment later, I looked and it appeared sound."
"Remarkable. I wonder if you are able to render a picture of it? Are you skilled at such things?"
"I am, Gregorio. My family finds it all a waste of energy. I find music to my liking as well. Indeed, that is a matter I wished to discuss with you regarding a patient that suffers."
Gregorio had a look of excitement come to him, along with a look of seriousness. "I know of her."
His energy could be felt by Valerius tingling on his own skin. It excited him as well. "I see. From previous encounters? Or has Trellitia sent word of her to you?"
"Both. An unusual case, and even more so now. The degree of delusion would normally have one bound in a dungeon somewhere. Perhaps worse, a subject of religious release, like the men we just spoke with practice." The excitement shifted to a foreboding chill, felt equally as strong.
"Father Leopold is well known in the village. He is not known for being given to such practices. He is stern in his teachings, but pious in his admonitions for a life well lived in service to the Lord."
"Listen well, Valerius. Leopold has learned new ways and taken them deep into his heart. You must watch him closely now. The girl, Julia, is in grave danger. She will be a target for him. She will be an example of his leadership. You must teach her at once how to speak and behave in his presence. Her life and your life hang in the balance."
"I see. I will learn… "
"No, I do not think you do see. You cannot deprive an entire village of their physician no matter how strong your caring for this girl is. Her guilt or innocence are not matters that can concern you, Valerius. You are no longer just a man. You have chosen to be a doctor. It is a calling that requires sacrifice. She may be part of that sacrifice so that the many may benefit. Do you understand?"
"Trellitia has said the same to me. I understand what you are both saying. I have no intention of acting foolishly. But, to stand idly by, as Father Leopold has, and watch murder unfold before my eyes, surely you do not suggest that."
"I suggest that you may not be in a position to do anything to prevent it. I suggest to try may cause your own demise, and thus the end to care in your village. There will be no Julia and no doctor. That cannot be allowed. That is what you must understand."
"I understand, Gregorio. I will not allow it to come to that. I cannot allow it and I won't!"



The story continues to evolve. The times dictate the issues and highlight what may not be as apparent at other times in history. Yet, these issues are always there in some form.

Wonderful feedback as always. So very appreciated. Thank you so much.

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