Self Improvement Poetry posted February 3, 2015

This work has reached the exceptional level

The Dreams of Little Clarence

by michaelcahill

Kiddies motivational poem Contest Winner 


The Dreams of Little Clarence

When Clarence was a little boy,
he stood a full foot shorter
than other kids within his class;
his mates gave him no quarter.
But Clarence let the laughs slide off
while slowly, his height lengthened.
His mother gave him spinach soup
he slowly, surely strengthened.
His teachers said, "you’re just too slow
to think you'll be a doctor".

But Clarence had his goal in mind,
"just test me—where’s the proctor!"
He grew and studied mightily,
to "nays" he did not listen.
Soon he entered college years,
more sweat on brow to glisten.
With spinach soup, he reached six feet
graduation day now loomed.
No one thought he'd make it … ever,
but that day a doctor bloomed.
It matters not what others say;
just ignore them from the start.
And live your life from what you find
in the dreams within your heart.



Writing Prompt
Write a poem that will appeal to young children. Any topic. Any poetry type.

Kiddies motivational poem
Contest Winner


quatrains 8/7/8/7, abcb

Never underestimate the intelligence of a child. So many children don't do well in school because they are bored. It just may be they aren't slower than the other kids, they are faster! Kids are smarter than we realize, never dumb a piece down. If they don't know what a fancy word means, they'll ask. Didn't you?

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