Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction posted June 6, 2015 Chapters:  ...21 22 -24- 26... 

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Horror Flash Fiction

A chapter in the book Tiny Tales of Terror

~ A Succulent Affair. ~

by write hand blue

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.


If you are easily offended please do not read any further.

                                                      BILLY SMART'S FUNFAIR


Luca's lecherous eyes search the crowds... Moving to the loud rock music, his hands open and close in frustration; as skin tight jeans emphasise his showing.  Oh! What havoc he could wreak again. Thoughts feed his perverted pride like Satan's whisper.

"There's one," he mutters to himself. Their eyes meet. He knows instinctively.

"Do I know you? I'm sure we meet before," his fake pidgin English, well rehearsed spiel and charming smile rarely fails with young girls.

Her name Succ, stiffens him.

"Succ is not a—how do you say? Usual name," his smirk is noticed.

"Not common, yet not unique," her snake eyes—those black holes, reveal nothing.

"A surprise, I show you my horse, she is beautiful. You want-a-to see it—Yes? Come, come," he leads her to his caravan.

"Please, you go first," A baseball bat stands by the door.

"You were, weren't you?" her accusing eyes drill into his evil consciousness.

The bat is in her hands.

"How did--?"

Whoosh—his head rings; blackness.


SLAP, SLAP...His eyes open to a new nightmare.

"Someone wants to talk to you."

"What?" Unable to comprehend, fear grips him with the realisation that he lies naked on his bed, "How...?"

A voice drifts out of the darkness, "I'm Kim Tyler—you remember me don't you? In that field you raped, then strangled me...You bastard you took my liiiifffffffeeeee aaawwwaaayyyyyyy."

Sobbing, "It was an accident—I—I couldn't help it, I swear."

"Not the big boy now, eh?" Succ's laughing voice at odds with her hard face, "Let's see how long this old succubus can make you. Hah, Hah, Hah."

She lowers herself down onto his manhood and gets to work.

In no time at all, she has Luca almost to the point of no return, "Oh!—Oh!—Oh!—Oh!—Oh!... "

Her body changes; a strength emerges that no human ever owned. His moans change to screams. "Noooo, Noooo Arghhhh!"

Her vagina pulls and pulls, stretching him. Unable to move, his feeble struggles make it worse. The Succubus pressing hard against his body, sucks away, pulling, pulling. His muscles stretch to their limit and start to tear.

His screams are in tune with the Black Sabbath's song 'Die Young' blasting across the fairground.

'Tomorrow will never come.
You'll never get old.'

Pulling, pulling, amid gushing blood, first his cock is torn away disappearing like a rabbit up a burrow; trailing connective tissue. This rips out his inner scrotum. Her vagina like a starving mouth, tugs and sucks eager to miss nothing. Slurping the spurting blood like a greedy pig at a trough.

At long last the screaming and bleeding comes to a stop.

Luca is dead.

'Die young, someone stopped the fair.'

Her work done she rises. It's back to her friends, for an enjoyable night out. And Kim is following Succ's instructions in her next meeting with Luca...




I would like to express my thanks to Dean Kuch for his first class artwork and help.

A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity.

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