Horror and Thriller Fiction posted July 14, 2015 Chapters:  ...42 43 -44- 50... 

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A Tiny Tale of Terror

A chapter in the book Tiny Tales of Terror

The Campground

by dejohnsrld (Debbie)

“Don’t leave your food out. Be sure it is safely secured in your car, we’ve had a problem with bears this summer. They shouldn’t bother you as long as there isn’t anything left out to attract them. They tend to be like Yogi Bear, they’re only after your picnic basket. Of course, our bears aren’t as cute as Yogi when they tear up a campground,” said the ranger, smiling.
Sue found the idea of seeing a real bear exciting. If she could only get a picture to show her city friends back home…
After a long hike, she returned to her tent, dog-tired. She took a sandwich out of the car and ate it before climbing into her sleeping bag for the night.
She woke to find it was still dark. Needing to urinate, she weighed the options; the dark bathrooms by the garbage versus squatting where she was. She opted to squat before crawling back into the sleeping bag to catch a couple more hours of sleep.
When she woke up again, the sun was shining through the walls of her tent. She planned to look at the map and select a different hiking trail today.
After opening the tent flap, she saw them--bear paw prints all around her tent. She grabbed her camera to get a picture.
Wow, an honest to goodness bear and the pictures to prove it. Her friends would be impressed.

She felt pain before feeling the blood run down her legs...



A true story until the very last line.
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