Biographical Poetry posted October 20, 2015 Chapters:  ...318 319 -320- 321... 

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A Rondeau Qautrain

A chapter in the book Little Poems

Dinner Cruise

by Treischel

A dinner served on river's tide
Ranks first among our fervent wishes,
To a float along enjoying dishes,
Replete with elegance inside.

To take an autumn season's ride
That gently glides above the fishes,
Ranks first among our fervent wishes,
A dinner served on river's tide.

Such pleasures cannot be denied,
To toast the day with wineglass swishes,
Eat ship-borne dishes, so delicious,
Where decks can let you be outside.

They're things to recollect with pride,
That count among our many riches -
To a float along enjoying dishes,
Replete with elegance inside.

A dinner served on river's tide
Ranks first among our fervent wishes,
To a float along enjoying dishes,
Replete with elegance inside.

This is the third poem about our dinner cruise on the Mississippi River. Here is a shot of the inside of the boat, where we sat and dined.

This poem is a Rondeau Quatrain.
A Rondeau Quatrain has all the typical earmarks of a Rondeau poem, with only two rhymes throughout (an A and a B rhyme), as well as repeating lines used a refrains. Unlike the Rondeau proper, this poem repeats the entire line, rather than a portion. The Quatrain format utilizes an enveloping rhyme scheme of: abba. It also utilizes all four of the first stanza as it interweaves through the poem. A1, A2, B1, and B2 represent the four repeated lines and their associated rhymes. here is the poem's entire rhyme scheme:
A1,B1, B2,A2 -- a,b,B1,A1-- a,b,b,a -- a,b,B2,A2 -- A1,B1,B2,A2

This photograph was taken by the author himself on October 18, 2015.
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