General Poetry posted June 7, 2016

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
One less I have to listen to.

A lone cicada


a lone cicada
tangled in the spider's web
screeching sequestered

Write a Haiku writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The topic of this prompt is to write a Haiku. This is a definition of a Haiku by Ray (mountainwriter49) which captures the form superbly:

Haiku is a Japanese short poetic form focusing on a direct observation. While the form has many rules, several of the key ones are as follows: must not personify nature; captures an observable moment in time and not something the poet imagines is happening; written in present tense and utilizes minimal capitalization and punctuation; follows a short-long-short line format utilizing 17 or fewer syllables; two lines are grammatically connected and the third line serves as an ah-ha moment, or satori.

Thanks to helvi2 for the perfect picture.
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