General Poetry posted June 14, 2018

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Today I bought a cupcake with no sprinkles, diets are hard!!


by Sugarray77

This Keto diet is all the rage
useful tool for any age.
Effective on most any one
that needs a diet and weighs a ton.

It's hard to change your eating ways,
it seems to last for days and days.
It takes the carbs, but leaves the fat,
pushes veggies, meat, things like that.

You lose ten pounds within a week,
if you follow closely, don't take a peek,
at bread, pasta, desserts, all starches,
things we crave at the Golden Arches.

But, when in Keto, pounds melt away,
you look up in ten days and say,
"My, look at me, I'm slimming down";
you begin to smile instead of frown.

Silver Lining writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type about something ugly (war, hate, cruelty) - but find the beauty (silver lining) in it.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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