Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted August 27, 2018 Chapters:  ...22 22 -23- 24... 

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Poetry alternate ryme

A chapter in the book Poetry NOOK


by Bucketlist

Little tykes are teachers
Even after all we know
They bring life's best to us
As they continue to grow.

Innocence is awesome
In every thing they do
Carefree in their thinking
Happier than me or you

Days mean playtime
For us it means work
Imagination brings them
Fairies or Captain Kirk

Their shining little faces
Full of smiles and glee
Spirits high on wonder
Nature's offers to see

If you see a little child
Before its bubble bursts
Compare it to another
Whose life is full of hurts

You'll see before abuse
How they're meant to be
Children try to teach us
That spirit should be free

For all the counseling
Grown ups now need
To function every day
Don't pay, only just heed

A child's way of living
You'll see the right way
Loving and forgiving
Wanting friends to stay

We think we teach them
That's further from the truth
We distort their living mode
They demonstrate the proof

Children only develop
At a certain given pace
Not meant to live faster
Than God's given grace

The adult stressful life
Is not so good for them
Learn from where they are
And you'll be happier then

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