General Poetry posted February 28, 2019

This work has reached the exceptional level
Gratitude in a poem contest entry

Sweet Gratitude

by DragonSkulls

To you, the one who sparks my muse
and opens up thy mind to see,
what beauty shines in vibrant hues...
that few review subconsciously.

Revealing pathways seldom crossed,
beneath the sights most witness blind,
where any fears or doubts are lost
and brilliance calms the open mind.

Each sound unique upon thy ears,
each scent reveals a hidden thought.
Each breath exhaled, a new frontier
where elegance and grace are sought.

No bound'ries hold the mind in snare,
so freely should these words proclaim
what joyous depths I'll find...then share
to those who love such words the same.

Sweet gratitude I offer dear
to one who fills each thought superb,
and wakes thy muse so crystal clear...
the one who sells me killer herb.


Gratitude expressed in a poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Poem, any style, expressing gratitude for one who made a difference in your life.

I no longer partake of the weed, but I will admit, when I did...
I wrote masterpieces. Lol

It would be awesome if people viewed a piece on the work
and skill that went into it rather than the silliness it says, but
sadly that rarely happens.

Thank you for reading.

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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