General Poetry posted July 26, 2019

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Near and dear to me

My Great Lake

by Boogienights

I sit beside this inland sea,
the waves lap gently on the shore.
It brings me such serenity inside myself,
and so much more...

A chance to feel it's cool embrace,
to wash off all the cares of day.
Anxieties gone without a trace,
sweet peace is brought to me this way.

I've always been drawn to search the shore,
under brilliant suns and evening shades.
Some nights, my bed, a sandy floor, 
that cools my skin as sunlight fades.

Superior to all other lakes, 
indeed, Superior is its name.
It gives so much, but also takes,
shipwrecks lie deep, in dubious fame.

Just like the ocean, wide and vast,
Superior has no memory.
No feelings for events long past,
this cold and mighty inland sea.

Whether calm or tempest-tossed,
its waters a balm that sets me free.
It's where my soul that once was lost,
was found, put back inside of me.

And when I can no longer go,
when frailty has slowed my gait,
my memories still, will always flow,
peacefully back to my great lake.

Healing waters writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem, any form you choose, about a body of water that means a lot to you.

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