Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted August 23, 2019 Chapters:  ...32 33 -34- 35... 

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We Need the Whole Armour of God!

A chapter in the book Me and You - 40+ years of Poems V2

So Deep!

by QC Poet

There are Times Humanity's Issues are So Deep!
Leaders Directing our Destruction as Citizens Sleep? 
Confused, Lost, Unaware, Many People start to Weep!
Bringing the End of Great Societies Historically it Does Reap!

Faith also Has the Power of Death and Destruction! 
Saith the Good Book as Reason for Making the Flood's Ark Construction! 
Hark and Seek God's Loving Holy Will by Being Quiet of Mind! 
Mark that We're Lost in this Sin Filled World's Earthly Grind! 

We Need our Souls to Search, Reason, Listen, and Find!
A Missing Element in Today's Human Spirit is Being Kind!
The Degraded Bones Now Needed to Find any Spine!
Choice Begins with Me and Is Ultimately Thine!

Belief is Truth Sought for Humanity and Oneself!
Grief Comes to Both No Way to Put it On A Shelf!
Bring to Mind Biblical Sufferings through Christ's Life Time!
Sing a Psalm of Peace, Watch Friends and Strangers Hearts begin to Shine!


So Deep!
By; George Martinez
A Fabulous Free Verse Submission from;7/28/2019 - this Poem has 4 paragraphs. In the 2nd and 4th paragraphs the 1st and Last words in it rhyme with the previous sentence 1st and Last wordss of that sentence .

1. My Poems usually Have Two Meanings when Read Top to Bottom from Left across to the Right and Down, after reading it this way Read the Capitalized Words Again the Same Way for the Simular Second Poem.
2. In the 2nd and 4th paragraphs the 1st and Last words rhyme with the 1st and Last words of the previous sentence.
3. Photo Credit to Free Download;
LDS Tree of Life Children's Coloring Book,
Via krumblagov. com, plus a Author Add-on Frame.
4. The Trees shown in this Post Represent the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
5. The Creation Story Genesis 2:9 speaks of God placing these Two Trees in the midst of the Garden.

Poem Summation;
Eve and Adam were Tempted In the Garden of Eden by the Serpent as written in;
Genesis 3:5 KJV
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

- Therefore it's Logical to Believe that if Anyone Searches deep Within Their Own Soul with Prayer and Supplication, God Will provide Answers to Life's pressing Questions Of This Day,.
Since Man was Also Given Free Will to Believe - He (We) Choses to Be Afraid Or Put On The Whole Armor of God!

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