General Poetry posted January 5, 2020

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Greek philosopher Epictetus' purple thread ..see notes below


by tempeste

Freddie Mercury was one that sought to be
the purple THREAD in the white tunic.

20 and the letter T writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a 20 syllable poem using the 20th letter of the English alphabet, the letter T. The word starting with the letter T must be an object, such as Tiger, Tea, Tax, Tickets, Time, etc. Your 20 syllables can be presented any way you like. Here is one example:

are out of date
wait ...
never hesitate
to send a wire
after eight.

There are no rhyming or meter requirements.

Greek philosopher Epictetus compared the masses to the white threads of a toga. He declared himself to be a purple thread among the common white threads, saying : I desire to be the purple thread ...that small and shining part which makes the rest seem fair and beautiful.

He went on to ask, when contemplating changing his personhood....why should I attempt to be like the many, and if I am, then how shall I remain purple?

The purple provides the contrast that defines the rest.....
.....that identifies it's wearer ......Without the purple, the rest would be dull, drab, monotone.

I think Freddie Mercury embodied Epictetus's beliefs.
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