General Fiction posted February 22, 2020

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Charlie Goes to Church

by pharp

"The last time I saw Charlie, he was on his way to Big Mama's house said, Alicia,"... Charlie's mother.

Charlie always goes to Big Mama's house on Sunday mornings, when he knows she has left for church. He enjoys hanging out with Big Daddy, watching old western movies, and football.

Now, on today Charlie being unaware daylight saving time had changed, arrived
an hour early, while Big Mama was still at home.

To his surprise, she was waiting to share with him a good breakfast, the love of Jesus
and to ask him if he would attend church with her.

Big Mama smiled, as she was recalling how her grandson at an early age, would read the Bible and could tell her all about how God created the Heavens and the Earth and formed man in His image.
Charlie would often share his knowledge about Jesus being born of a virgin named Mary, and how He gave His life to save all mankind from their sins.
She was not surprised when Charlie agreed to attend church, and off they
went and arrived on-time for the eleven o'clock service.
Before church began Charlie said, "We forgot to tell Big Daddy I was going to church."

Big Mama said,  "I did not forget, I left a note for your sleepy-head grandfather so that he would know that you are with me."

Charlie always called his mother to let her know he arrived at his grandmother's safe and sound,
but today he forgot to do so.

When she didn't hear from him, she became concerned, and called her parent's house
and asked her father, when was the last time he saw Charlie.

Big Daddy replied, "I just woke up and have not seen Charlie today, but your mother left a note saying, Charlie is with her at church."

Charlie writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story that begins with the line: The last time I saw Charlie ... (continue the sentence and story)
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