Self Improvement Poetry posted April 6, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
The Homeless Need...


by kahpot

act can help
to lift burdens
falling on others ~
induced by circumstance
the homeless seem forgotten
their lives sink beyond the abyss
so confused, uninformed and unseen
alone in a world,  praying for someone.

someone, to see we are all important
never left to cry  in silent storms
living unfound in barren times
as lives unworthy of pride
they struggle to prevail
let's extend a hand
so they may hold
onto hope



Thank you MoonWillow for the wonderful artwork
I feel for the homeless in these times
I have not heard much/if any about help for them
it was entered in the etheree prompt but we got
disqualified for a double-OH well
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by MoonWillow at

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