Humor Fiction posted April 25, 2020

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100 Word Story Contest Entry


by DragonSkulls

I love spicy food. My wife, not so much. Last night, I made
us some chicken fajitas and decided to throw in some
habanero peppers. The meal turned out hot as the devil but
I still thought it was delicious.

This morning, I was watching the news and heard my wife
scream from the bathroom. It sounded like she was having a
heart attack. I ran into the bathroom to see what happened.
My wife looked up at me and yelled, "This is all your fault."

Terrified, I asked, "What's wrong, baby? What's the matter?"

From the toilet she yelled, "My ass is on fire! That's what!"


100 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story that is between 100 and 150 words. The trick is you must use the following words: fire, devil, scream, heart, love.

Art courtesy Google Images.
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