General Poetry posted June 5, 2020

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Why didn't I pay more attention in English class?

I know I'm knot perfect

by Brad Bennett

I Am Not Perfect Contest Winner 

Writing is either fare, or foul, in searching for avowal.
Maybe I wanted fair, but didn't see the airer.

In writing of past tents, It could be outdoor events.
I like my passive choice, darn it, that was my voice.

But I got contrary, after using every Tom, dick, and hairy.
Spell Check says I'm offensive, so I changed it to Thomas.

Now I've lost my rhyming, and screwed up all my timing.
I'm throwing in the towel. Oh, I meant to mispell avowal.

(I just wanted to see who read this far.) :>)


Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a flaw that you see in yourself.

I Am Not Perfect
Contest Winner

I gazed out the window too much in English class. The teacher made a perfect throw, and got me with an eraser. I'm still day dreaming though.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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