Self Improvement Poetry posted June 13, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Swap Quatrain

To Breathe For George

by kahpot

around the world this voice was heard
dying in chains we don't deserve
years of injustice must be felled
this voice was heard around the world

I can't breathe please tell my mother
man I am just like all other
yet forced you have my breath to leave
please tell my mother I can't breathe

the mourning starts in crowded streets
thoughts now joined as a nation weeps
for those who die from careless hearts
in crowded streets the mourning starts

to breathe for George, we walk as one
for years our voice has been unsung
our plea for death to take a pause
we walk as one, to breathe for George


I am all for the walks for George, I have left out the riots
as this is not what needs to happen.
an intriguing form of poetry-Thank you Jan for this challenge

Club entry for the "Swap Quatrain--Week of 6-12-2020" event in "Put Pen To Paper Potlatch Poetry Club".  Locate a writing club.
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