Self Improvement Poetry posted July 1, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
Do not be afraid of failure, it's part of your success.

Turn Failure Inside Out

by Melodie Michelle

If it weren't
for failure
we wouldn't
know about
success ...

us open
our eyes ...
and feel that
feeling of never
wanting to
give up ...
That happens
after we fail ...

We think
because we
may experience
failure of
some sort ...
It's negative
and bad for us
when it really
should pique our
curiosity about
standing strong ...
This happens
after we fail!

To fail is not
the problem
as much as
you'd think ...
No, the real
cause of failure
is staying down
and refusing
to get up ...

Failure causes us
to move toward
the positive way ...
we know
we can do it,
regardless of
what anyone
has said ...
simply because of our failure.

Failure makes
us work harder
for that nice
creamy middle
that's shifting
it's weight
into negativity ...

We gather
that together
in one
and twist
so hard
that they
see it

and positive
But, let's see,
that negativity
is looking for
the positive
it missed ...
making failure
try even harder
not to
be herself ...

Failure is
success turned
inside out
making its stand.
because she
didn't fail
not this time ...
She got back up
striving for
the best!

Happiness is
a fruit of
Joy, love,
and heartfelt
thoughts that
cause failure
to reevaluate
her tears
and her shame
to the happier
happy times
that success
has claimed!

Success is just
failure turned
inside out ...

Failure writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem about failure. No rhyming patterns.



Writing prompt contest entry. Write a Free verse poem about Failure. No rhyming pattern.

Free verse is an open form of poetry, which in its modern form arose through the French vers libre form. It does not use consistent metre patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.
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