Reviews from

At Home in Mississippi

Viewing comments for Chapter 23 "War Years and Other Happenings"
Growing up in the 40 and 50 in MIssissippi

19 total reviews 
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice continuation to the story, Beth. We get to see how the war affected you (not very negatively, thank goodness!) and your early experiences with relationships between men and women. Now you're about to embark on a whole new chapter in your life with the beginning of school.

Your final sentence was a very interesting and salient point.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2024
    Thank you Jim. You are right. Once I was in school almost everything changed.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

No longer being the center of attention had to be hard to get used to. I struggled with it myself. But it didn't take long for me to figure out how to make my way onto the preferred list, and I'd bet it didn't take you long either. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2024
    Thank you Ric, First grade was hard for the boys in my class. There was a big paddle on the teacher desk and most of them got it. She sent the little girls to the clock room for punishment. I felt sorry for the boys. I don't teachers are allowed to do that any more.
reply by Ric Myworld on 12-Jun-2024
    I got my share of paddling's. Maybe more than my fair share. But I'm sure I needed more than I got. :-)
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I also remember those years as well. My brother came home from fighting the Germans with a friend who had served with him the entire. Th guy married my cousin, and they live in New York. Much like you did. Good write, Beth.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Thank you for the review. We were you so young then but you were living around people involved in the war and I wasn't. Did they do blackout where you were? Thanks for the review.
reply by Ben Colder on 13-Jun-2024
    Oh yes. We had German prisoners as well.
Comment from Thesis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is certainly a lot packed into this story. You have many vivid memories of your childhood and family, warmly relaying your feelings about them. You share situations with family members that are quite personal, and allow the reader to experience them through your eyes. Nicely done.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much for the nice review. I appreciate your comments.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good morning, Beth,
Once again, I'm impressed by your memory! You had an exciting life. You bring us through what it was like to be affected by the war. You describe the effects on your community and family life.

I like the part about the second cousins falling in love and getting married. It sounds like you had a season of your life with lots of extended family close-by. So, starting school takes some of the focus off you, lol. I never thought about it that way, but it makes sense.

Until next time,

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thank you Rhonda. I'm glad you liked this. Yes my grandmother came from a big family and and all of her brothers and sister had a lot of kins. Actually Haskel came from a family with 19 half siblings. His dad was married four times. It seemed like everyone was related in some way. I didn't know many of them. lol
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An enjoyable read, recounted in a warm and smooth way. Haskel Davis is certainly a good looking young man! I enjoy all your stories.
Edit: "She always came with stationary." (stationery). The former means still, not moving, while the other means supplies of writing paper.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thank you Wendy. I'm glad you find it enjoyable and thanks for catching the error. Congratulations on the Seal of Quality. I loved your book and it deserves to be published and to be required reading for those caregivers.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

So cousins once removed could get married? I think first cousins can't, right? I don't know what the US laws are but in Korea, two people with the same last name (even not related at all!) couldn't get married.
Enjoyed your series of stories and I remember that your mom briefly left your dad when you were in college. Didn't she go to some church related college? Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thank you Helen. She went to a college, that is related to the Adventist church. It is a University now. She got her GED and enrolled in college classes to be a teacher. I don't think there is a law in the US against marrrying cousins. Sisters and Brothers can't marry. President FDR Roosevelt was married to his first cousin. There was a law at one time that a person of the black race couldn't marry a white person. Jeanine's children didn't have any physical problems because of it and didn't even know they were cousins until recently.
reply by lyenochka on 10-Jun-2024
    Oh, interesting. But cousin - once removed probably adds a lot more to the gene pool. 😊
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is funny how we soon want to forget the war and the losses and we should be mindful to remember those we have lost. Your memories of your first school experience here is endearing and I enjoyed your historic family life Beth, a very entertaining post, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    I would imagine it would be more difficult for anyone in Europe to forget that horrible way. Of course the US was involved in a very bloody Civil war and further back in time as well as war with England for independence. I hope there will never be another world war.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 10-Jun-2024
    I don't think we will even have to time think about world war III as it will be over in seconds and we will all die, love Dolly x
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very fine writing. Error-free as near as I can tell.
My dad was too young to be drafted into WWII and when Korea came around, he had two kids and therefore ineligible. I volunteered in '68 before my draft number came up.

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Thank you Jim my husband was in service but no one in my family had served since the Cival war. Now my grandson has gotten into the National Guard. Thank you for the nice review.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written chapter in your book and I enjoyed very much listening to it. I wish you the very best with your writing and with your book. I hope you have a wonderful week and may God bless you richly. Patricia .

 Comment Written 09-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 09-Jun-2024
    Thank you Patricia, I'm glad you found it enjoyable to lsten to. I've have finally cause up answering my review but I still way behind with reviewing.