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Viewing comments for Chapter 3 "Beth Is Kidnapped!"
A Day at Sea World

16 total reviews 
Comment from Sissy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Gayle,

Really good chapter here! I thought you did a great job with how Molly's dad handled the phone call w/ Beth parents. You could really 'see' his angst. Personally, I was very impressed with the response rate of the police, and how quickly they acted to get the sketch artist, etc.

My only comment comes w/ how fast the artist whipped out that picture of Sam! It made me pause a minute; it seems like it didn't take him more than 2 seconds!

That's it, girl!

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2008
    Hey Sissy,

    Kidnapping kids out here has become such a regularity they have whole task forces devoted to it. The parks usually have highly trained security, and that Amber Alert thing is absolutely miraculous. And those sketch artists? If the folks know what a person looks like, the artist, man, faster than it takes to take a polaroid and wait for it to develop. However, when I go in for the second edit, I will expand a bit. For one thing, it's fascinating. I was kinda in a hurry!

    Thanks again, you're a doll.

Comment from Stephy Jemmisparks
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

the vivid write has almost made me burst into tears as well,showtimebook,i love this story and must finish reading it through before i retire for the day.

 Comment Written 26-May-2008

reply by the author on 27-May-2008
    Oh, you make my heart sing, Stephy. I like to be able to read a story fast, y'know, like you're able to do here. Sometimes it's just maddening to have to wait a day or two while the chapter gets posted!

    Thank you sooo much! I really appreciate your kind words and high rating,

Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gayle, occasionally I would take a friend of Cindy's on vacation with us. This was always my worst nightmare, other than someone kidnapping Cindy, of course. All of her friends believed I was anal about them having to remain together and close to me and/or about checking in with me on a regular basis. Another excellent write.

 Comment Written 26-May-2008

reply by the author on 27-May-2008
    Jan, I know exactly how you feel. And in those days, the danger was miniscule compared with what runs the streets today. Gives me the willies, and yes, only thing worse than losing your kid is to have to go home to grieving parents and tell them you lost theirs! OMG, can you imagine.

    Breaks my heart!

    Love ya,
Comment from Paradox Tremors
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh wow, I feel for Molly; her best friend is missing and presumed kidnapped. Not a good day for anyone. But hope is alive as the police are looking and the Amber alert has gone out. Written well.

 Comment Written 24-May-2008

reply by the author on 25-May-2008
    Oh, my, you're moving right along. Won't be long before you're all caught up!

    You make me smile,

reply by Paradox Tremors on 25-May-2008
    A good story and I'm going as fast as my eyes will read. See, a good story doesnt require payment to get someone to read.
Comment from RenieReader
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Gayle: This is a fantastic chapter about a serious problem. Young teens don't always realize the danger of meeting up with strangers. You've captured the fear family and friends feel when the reality of the situation hits home.

I didn't notice a single nit. Great job.


 Comment Written 16-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Hey Renie, so nice to see you outside! LOL!

    I really appreciate your comments and all. Kids never seem to learn...this happens all the time! I hope you'll come back and read along as a keen eye is always appreciated!

Comment from TomandOma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent beginning ! You've introduced the primary characters and made us care what happens. You've also introduced a 'smiling' villain; he's a villain we love to hate. I can't wait to see what crises looms, looms and looms ahead, but I'm sure you have a dandy for us.


We need you to put together a picture of this guy. Think of everything you can that's distinguishing, anything folks would notice." He looked up. "Here he*** is now."
***wrong attribution of pronoun 'he'. As written, 'he' refers back to "this guy."
Maybe, "Here's the artist now."
Did you mention Beth's age? [Senior moment!] I'm thinking fifteen.

As always, you not only draw good pictures of your prime characters, but also the 'walk on' people who flesh out the action. Salud!

Warmest regards,


 Comment Written 13-May-2008

reply by the author on 14-May-2008
    Hey Sis!

    I'll get in there and make the fixes. Beth is fifteen..I think we heard that in the first chapter. Danny is 12. He's a riot, huh?

    I'm going to rework that chapter about the artist..the whole sceen, actually. Needs more meat.

    Thanks so much for the great R&R!

Comment from bookishfabler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The only thing that doesn't sound believeable is would they put out an alert before twenty-four hours? None of the police ususally do that. I could be wrong. Many would think she ran off for her own personal reasons. Maybe they take this more seriously in California. Just an observation.

 Comment Written 13-May-2008

reply by the author on 13-May-2008
    Hey Heidi,

    Yep, that's how they do it here, especially since she's only 15. Now for an older teen, 17-18, well, they might treat it like an adult. But still, the evidence is overwhelming that someone, probably Sam, snatched her.

    Have you ever seen those they have them in NY? You would not believe the number of kids that have been saved, found in time, by the Amber Alerts.

    Thanks so much for the R&R and your comments.

reply by bookishfabler on 14-May-2008
    I'm live in Florida now, so I'm not sure if they do it in New York now. Maybe. Here though, they just flash the pic of the child on the news. I've never seen them on a billboard. Thewy should though. We are always on the highway down here. 95 would be perfect.
Comment from Kym Jade
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow the security guards and police are efficient in your part of the world. We have never seen those signs you mention not even on the TV. These signs would teach kids, who sneak off, to keep in touch. Off to the next chapter to see what did happen to Beth.

Love and blessings

 Comment Written 12-May-2008

reply by the author on 13-May-2008
    Hi Girls,

    Several of the fans mentioned that quick action on the Amber Alert stuff. The feeling is, the faster they can get a description of the missing kid..and hopefully the car, the faster they can track down the pervert. That's one of the GOOD things about the computer. Gets the info out ASAP.

    Thanks for the great comments and the lovely stars.

Comment from Norbanus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is great story development.

These are the only spots I noticed.

She nodded, telling him what little she knew about Sam Hudson and his offer to buy them lunch, an offer they turned down. (I think you should drop 'an offer they turned down'. The reader already knows that she turned it down and will assume she told it that way. It comes across as repetition.)

Sam Hudson emerged with such vivid accuracy, Molly gasped. "That's him, sir. Exactly." (This line needs a little more fleshing out to show the passage of time while the artist forms the picture.)

 Comment Written 12-May-2008

reply by the author on 13-May-2008
    Hey Freddie,

    Great ideas and always right on. I'll fix the nits and expand a good bit on the artist drawing... that happened much too fast.

    Thanks so much!

Comment from Dave M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is an excellent chapter, believable (except that all the officers turn up on cue, as in "speaking of the devil..." The dialogue is excellent, and I couldn't find any nits.

I have one comment:

"One of the cops took the picture and left." Wouldn't this cop be Officer Bryant? You have only two standard policemen in the story right now, the others being security guards and such.

Dave M

 Comment Written 12-May-2008

reply by the author on 13-May-2008
    Yep, Bryant left. He needed to get the picture to the Amber Alert folks. I got a bit rushed in this obne and will smooth the flow better on second edit. Thanks for the eagle eye!
