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Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "Two For One"
A Day at Sea World

14 total reviews 
Comment from Sissy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Gayle!

I hope you don't think I'm being too hard on you here. I really went through this chapter carefully - see what you think about my comments, and let me know. I felt distanced from Beth's part, which I never do w/ your writing. However, you really drew me in w/ Tony and Amy and Ella and Jim. Really nicely done the second half of this.

So, see what you think:

Beth awoke with a blinding headache that intensified as she drew in deep breaths of gasoline tainted air. The tape over her mouth made breathing difficult, especially since her nose ran.
(I had a little bit of trouble with this, Gayle. I felt it was a bit rough to read. Maybe she 'attempted to draw in...'? If it makes breathing difficult, it'd be hard to get in large breaths, right?)

Numb arms tied behind her back pressed up against what had to be a spare tire although she couldn't really feel anything. (The beginning of this sentence w/ 'Numb', then 'she couldn't really feel anything' seemed a little redundant.)

Her mind raged around two thoughts as they fought for precedence. First and foremost, she had to get out of the trunk and run away. Second, if she couldn't get away, would he rape her before he killed her?
She banished those thoughts and tried to figure out where she was and how long she'd been there. Well, obviously in the trunk of a car, but whose?
(Question here: How about switching to first person w/ the internal thought here? If you don't want to do both paragraphs, consider at least switching the second.)

She faded in and out several times, but each time she (<--need this 'she'?) emerged stronger.

Tail lights. (I looked this up in a couple of places. Taillights.)

Beth inched her body around, her head and shoulders curled so she could reach the tail lights (taillights), maybe kick one out.

She gave an ineffectual kick (<--do you want to use 'kick' again here?), unable to make hard, direct contact with her toe.

She had to turn over so she could use her heels and that would mean rolling on her bound hands. Hunching her shoulders and rocking back and forth, she prepared to roll. (Again consider switching to first person thought here. It might make it more exciting for the reader here, versus you telling us what she has to do. Make us feel her desperation.)

Beth began to pray. "Oh, God, why did I ever go outside? Why didn't I just ignore him? Oh, God, help me!" (NOW I feel her desperation, but we need to see it heighten throughout.)

She (+ had? Arrgh! I hate doing that.) sealed her own fate when she snuck out of the restaurant and no matter what else happened, she had no one to blame but herself.

(For a minute, I thought this was TONY!--->)Eyes alight, he inserted his key in the lock as a snicker crept up his throat. "Okay, buddy, here we go."

"Oh, give it a rest, would you? Chef gives me the same song and dance ... hints of licorice and pepper. Chit, dude, does it taste good or does it not? (<--on an unrelated side note, I so agree w/ Ella here! :) )

He nodded enthusiastically and grinned at her (<--need 'at her'?). "I hate to wait that long, but I agree with your reasoning. Where?"

Hope this helps!
Take care,

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 Comment Written 07-Jun-2008

reply by the author on 07-Jun-2008
    Hey Sissy,

    I really blew this one, huh? I've pasted out your comments and as soon as the Belmont is over, I'll get over to the ms and make fix.

    Most appreciated the edits, thanks so much!

Comment from Rdfrdmom2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another excellent chapter. You know, Gayle, as I'm reading to catch up, I am noticing the chapter titles more. Now that I'm writing a book with chapters, I'm finding that to be as big a challenge some days as the actual writing. In fact, I often write the chapter, then go back and name it. Do you do that?

 Comment Written 26-May-2008

reply by the author on 27-May-2008
    LOL! Ya know, in fiction, we don't name the least not in adult fare.

    I think I remember Lad: a Dog and the Black Stallion did that. Aha, yes. I remember one of the most maudlin, truly melodramatic chapters I've ever read by Terhune (Lad, et al) called 'In the day of battle'. Lets see, that's a 55 year old memory, and I could p'rolly recite it from memory, I read it so many times.

    It's only on FS that you need chapter titles..who knows why. and yes, I often name the chapters after I've written them. My problem is I've posted so many full length novels here over the years I can't come up with new ones and the FS computer keeps telling me I 'already posted a chapter with that title'!! AARGH!

    It's a crap shoot at best, my friend!

Comment from Paradox Tremors
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Getting better. Good to know Beth is level-headed and can keep her wits. Jim is hopefully the savior and will rescue Beth if she don't escape first.

 Comment Written 24-May-2008

reply by the author on 25-May-2008
    Stuff is building up and the girls have to figure out a way to escape. We gotta get them out of there!

reply by Paradox Tremors on 25-May-2008
    Agree! Keep up the good job!
Comment from bookishfabler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Aha! The investigators return. Cool beans. I'm really enjoying this story, and I see you stay in one POV in each section, great. One little thing.

while staring at Jim and grinning. I'm not sure can really grin. LOL.

 Comment Written 16-May-2008

reply by the author on 17-May-2008
    COOL BEANS! LOL, I haven't heard that phrase since I left New York. :-)

    Heidi you give the greatest comments, I just love them. The dogs are a riot, huh?

    Thanks for the great R&R, talk soon and have a great weekend,

Comment from TomandOma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, Hello! It's nice to see Jim Sessions and Lennie Browning again - it's just like a family reunion, and must make the writing a lot easier, as their personas are already established. I can visualize one book with this cast getting published, and the rest being snatched up, forthwith.
I especially liked your scene of Beth, locked in the car trunk, trying in a level-headed way to somehow signal other traffic, and contribute to her own rescue.
Also, you've really done a chilling job of showing how an attractive persona can hide a dangerous monster.

Nothing seen here to dislike.

The best to you, Sis.

You rock, my friend.

 Comment Written 16-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Hey Sis,

    No problems with that one, huh? I think I worked this one over pretty clean before I posted.

    At first I didn't plan to use Jim and Lenny but the more I wrote the more I realized I had to bring them in.

    Thanks so much, Sis, talk soon,

Comment from ledford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good chapter!

I have some suggestions:

"especially since her nose ran." I wonder if "since her nose was stuffy" might be more appropriate, but if not, I recommend "since her nose was running."

"what had to be a spare tire although she couldn't really feel anything." This is a bit wordy. I would keep it simple and say "what seemed to be a spare tire."

"she'd been taught to do in situations like this. Tail lights." Should be "taillights". Also, I recommend "she'd been taught to do in situations like this ... taillights!"

"Beth inched her body around {,} her head and" Comma splice. I recommend a semi-colon instead of a comma

"unable to make hard, direct contact [with her toe.]" I would omit [ ]

"She had to turn over so she could use her heels {,} and that would mean rolling on her bound hands." Two main clauses joined by a conjunction requires a conjunction (The Chicago Manual of Style pg. 248--section 6.32)

"of the restaurant {,} and no matter what else happened"

"They had talked a moment, then he muttered something, moved close to her and that" I recommend "They had talked a moment, then he muttered something, and moved close to her. That..."

"An overwhelming bolt of fear struck her {,} and her bladder let go."

"They rode to the penthouse {,} and as the elevator"

"Besides, you're fixed {,} you both are." Comma splice. I recommend a semi

"The dogs stood for a moment motionless, sizing each other up." I recommend "The dogs stood motionless for a moment, sizing each other up." or " The dogs stood for a moment, motionless, sizing each other up."

"So is Amy, believe it." I do not understand this. The "believe it" part sounds random

"for the restaurant {,} and business is booming."

"maybe October {,} or better, November."

"dreamy expression {,} and she sighed."

"crossed his face {,} and he sighed."

"Please give me your phone number {,} and I'll call you back shortly."

"Anyway, the cops are stymied {,} and he wants us to investigate,"

Keep up the good work!

 Comment Written 16-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Hey Ledford,

    Thanks for stopping by and the comments. I'm glad you liked the story and appreciate the R&R.

Comment from RenieReader
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, good. They're calling in some professionals--Dobermans. If they can't solve the case, no one can. I like the turn of events in this chapter. It's more positive and upbeat. Great writing, my friend. I can't wait for more.


 Comment Written 16-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Hey Renie,

    Thank you so much for the read and the great review!

Comment from Dave M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I am really glad to see the beginning of the previous chapter. You needed something like this. And I was just waiting for Jim and Ella to show up, especially with Tony and Amy. This story is made for them. I find the beginning of this story as effective as anything you've written for a while.

I couldn't find any spags or unpolished writing.

Dave M

 Comment Written 15-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    I'll fess up, Dave, but only to you. Don't tell anyone else, huh? Okay, I wrote the first five chapters of this book in one sitting. Natch, you can't post long stuff, so I cut it into easier to digest portions. Just missed this one! It was there in the ms all the time, but I goofed.

    Now, that's a secret, huh?

    Thanks so much for the great comments. I sooo appreciate a regular reader, especially if they're a Tony and Amy fan!

Comment from Kym Jade
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Poor Beth, but she was a very silly girl to go outside like that. Sam obviously was there that day looking for someone to kidnap. He wont do it again after he meets Tony or Amy. Now into the story. So glad it is another with these two.

Love and blessings

 Comment Written 15-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Metcha Ladies!

    Yes, poor Beth indeed. This story is so common place anymore, and it just makes ya furious, you know what I mean? What in the world was she thinking?


    Thanks for the great R&R!

reply by Kym Jade on 16-May-2008
    She's a teen! It is mainly boys who's brains stop working, but girls think they know everything too.

    Love and blessings
Comment from Earthwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this piece i found to be intriguing and never did fully understand what was going on but it definetly jheld my attention great job

 Comment Written 15-May-2008

reply by the author on 16-May-2008
    Hi Earthwriter,

    The best thing is to go back and read previous chapters.They don't pay anymore, so I don't need a review, but you could catch up and go from there.

    Hope to see you again<
