Reviews from

My Footprint

A conservation poem

19 total reviews 
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I do very little meat, but that's because of uric acid and gout. I was born with canine teeth and a stomach that twinges when too many raw veggies or any milk comes its way. We are set up here to recycle. I have about one thirty gallon bag of trash per month. I take your thoughts rather seriously. Excellent poem.

Another thing I hate...the hunting club went broke so the owner clear-cut the 300 acres and sold it to a about a barren waste...

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2018
    True Red. Hunters are actually conversationists. The thing I don?t like is trophy hunting which kills the best animals leaving the herd weaker. Without hunters, the herd would starve. Hunting for meat, I could never do, but I can understand it. Thank you for your excellent review
Comment from Hayley Zemontas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love that your poem raises awareness about the carbon footprint that we are making and the damage we are doing to our world with our thoughtlessness. I don't think you should feel bad for what you previously did because so many others do it too and we don't even think. I have been getting quorn meat a lot recently because it's healthier and also means nothing got killed for it because it's not real meat, but still a protein source. So I admire your determination to change and do your part in helping the world. Have a great day my friend x

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2018
    Thank you Hayley for a very lovely review
Comment from Rickie1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Well done. You make a good point but the answer is complex. As long as people want it cheap and easy we're going to feel a bit uneasy.


 Comment Written 04-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    I am afraid I agree with you Rickie. But tiny things like not using plastic straws or throwaway cups or plastic cutlery all help. Thank you for your lovely review
reply by Rickie1 on 04-Oct-2018
    We can do what we can and hope our examples inspire others. When I was in my 20s there was no recycling, just garbage dumps. Everything takes time. It just seems to move soooo slow. I remain optimistic.
Comment from Kelly Hanna
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A striking photo with a very environmentally conscious poem. This flowed and rhymed so nicely. The subject was also sad as well. Your poem certainly reminds us that we all have a foot print. And there are billions of us with two feet each. The indications are scary. A great job on this piece. Awesome way to raise awareness.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Thank you Kelly for such a wonderful and heartfelt review
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such a good reflection, Pam. I agree. I do use a lot of paper towels when I cook. Tofu needs lots flavors to make it palatable. Just cook with flavors you like. I always use sesame oil, soy sauce, green onions, garlic and hot pepper. Yes, let's do our best to reduce our footprint on the planet.

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Thank you so much Helen for your cooking recommendations except for the hot peppers. Bell peppers yes. Lol. Thanks for the great review
Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great that you will become vegetarian. I did so too - at age sixteen.

You can use tofu, tempeh, Seitan, eggs, nuts, beans, lentils, seeds, etc.

Eating organic is important too. Kudos!

This poem powerfully addresses urgent current issues. People have no idea how the single-use plastic items are destroying the planet. I love seeing places where straws are banned. That said, I am sad to say I used a straw yesterday because there was no other way to cleanly drink the fresh coconut I got on the side of the road in India. I wanted to ask the seller not to use straws, but what else can he do? It would be messy to pour into a glass...and cars stopped by the roadside vendor would want a single use cup too.

Good flow and rhyming.

Great lines:

I wonder what my life has cost.
The plastics that I used kill birds.
It saddens me; I'm out of words.


And,(no ,) I've consumed so many eggs,


My footprint echoes sloth and waste,
and whispers words with too much haste.
I multiply myself by ten,
and do it many times again.

With seven billion people here,
for future e(E)arth, I really fear.


I question my priorities,
but then my conscience starts to freeze.

Suggest rephrasing this:

Complacencies have no excuse,


Complacency has no excuse,

when they (it) will cause such bad abuse.

Good closing note shifting the lens to the reader:

Please join me in my quest for good.
I think you'd do it if you could.

Great theme. Fine presentation.

Warmly, rd

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Thank you Rama for your suggestions and excellent review
reply by rama devi on 04-Oct-2018
Comment from ChibiElf
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great job, and I feel for the subject matter!

In stanza two- lot and fought is a little bit of a stretch as a rhyme. Not terrible, but you might think about making a stronger choice.

I feel the same way as you and applaud your choice to go vegetarian and organic. I can't quite bring myself to do that yet, though my diet is veggie heavy and I have been shopping a lot in a new organic market that just opened in my neighborhood. I have been recycling for years (even before it was required by the state) and pushed people I know to do the same.

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 03-Oct-2018
    Hi ChibiElf. I am curious where you are from because lot and fought rhyme perfectly here in the states. They also rhyme with caught and cot. Probably a regional pronunciation difference difference. There are a lot of those. Here good and blood do not rhyme, but British accents make them similar. Thank you for your detailed and insightful review We recycle here in Ca. I wish our area would recycle compost, but it doesn?t. We recycle plastic, glass, metal, batteries, electronics, paper products. Take care
Comment from Air Spirit
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is ONE of my biggest passions... animals and the environment .. both are at the top of my list... and THANK YOU for writing a poem on this.. such an important subject... your words were impassioned, powerful, and spoke the truth... I do not any red meat, and eat meat if it is 'range free' and do not have any antibiotics, or other additives.. I can NOT justify killing any living animal to sustain my life -- and I want to stop eating meat completely, but I got into health concerns before when I did that.. I am diabetic and anemic too, so I get read the 'riot' act from the Mrs. and my doc if I don't have some animal protein.. When I found out it was baby lambs that I had been eating, I just about lost it.. never again.. but like you, recycling, avoiding use of plastic whenever I can, and then re-using over and over again... there are so many things everyone can do, with just a few minor changes in their lives...
Exceptional for quality and topic... it is such an important commentary! Thank you again Pam, for all that you do to raise awareness for others... :)

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Wow. Thank you Cynthia so much for this awesome review and kind comments. Take care
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're so right about expedient economics wrecking the environment, but examining everything closely, this raping of the Earth is going to continue, that's why I turn to where I turn, I don't want to be part of this fruitless hopelessness. There is a daughter of a friend who is an environmentalist, who flies frequently on the worst polluter of all...jet planes, if somebody who practises her religion does it, what hope do we have? Another beautifully composed work Pam, well done, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Thank you Roy for this splendid review. Take care
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great poem with an excellent message. You said it well, my friend. Your honesty comes through crystal clear. You make good points, but there is so much more to think about when it comes to leaving our footprint. Overuse of anything that is manufactured is not a responsible thing to do. Whether it be paper products, plastic straws, or fossil fuel products, such as gasoline. It is a hard decision to make, and I applaud your sensitivity to the issues you brought up. This is good information for all of us to consider. Feeling guilty is the first step. The next steps are harder to accomplish, but we all have to do our part as best as we can. Thanks for sharing your feelings.
Take care, Jesse

 Comment Written 03-Oct-2018

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2018
    Thank you Jesse for your insightful and lovely review. Take care
reply by Jesse James Doty on 04-Oct-2018
    You are sincerely welcome. Your insightful poem encouraged my insights.