Reviews from

Valediction [Cry Out!]

A song of farewell for a contest entry

11 total reviews 
Comment from Jesse James Doty
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow. This is powerful, and so in tune with the one, you are writing these song lyrics to. I can feel the anger, frustration, and hurt that you felt as this preacher dished you in the dirt. (The rhyming in my reply is intentional) so please do not take offense. I love the repeating verses, going back and forth. I am also impressed, with, the way you wove the chosen words asked of you by this contest into the piece. This is very well written and biting with delicious satire. Wonderful...and I'll bet it felt good to get this off your chest.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2021

reply by the author on 06-Jan-2021
    Such a lovely review, Jesse -- thank you for your comments and for those bright and shining stars! And I am so very glad you found here both frustration mixed with a bit of loss... exactly what the pen was bleeding when it was written! Many New Year Blesssings to you out there on the coast!
reply by Jesse James Doty on 07-Jan-2021
    Hello Yvette!
    The exceptional rating and grand review were well deserved, my friend.
    I'm beginning to nod out so I'll keep this brief. I am glad you liked my review. The bleeding pen gave us quite a stir, at least me, anyway.
    Here's hoping your New Year is full of peace, love, and hope!