Reviews from

OWED to KARENINA (long overdue)

It's high time ***KARENINA*** reaps what she sows

26 total reviews 
Comment from Seshadri_Sreenivasan
This work has reached the exceptional level

Honestly, I had no idea of Karenina till now. It is very kind of you to give her her due honour and promoting her work. It has definitely aroused my interest and I shall make it a point to read the posts of this talented writer in many genres. Your noble gesture deserves a green plus. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 21-May-2021

reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I hope you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are right, Liz. Karenina is a talented writer in many genres. I have read her poetry and prose, and both are always deep and filled with great meaning. I will say a prayer for her husband. Thanks for the update. You are a kind lady to care about those on FS and everywhere.
Thanks for sharing.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I hope you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Elizabeth,
I appreciate your pointing out Karenina's work and giving her kudos. It speaks of your character. It's nice to see that some folks aren't afraid to give credit where credit is do. Well done.


 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are so right Liz, Karenina is not posting very often, but when she does her posts rocks:) I really enjoy her poems that makes me think of an astonish Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Thank you for bring her to our attention. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I hope you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm an adamant fan of Karen's posts, as I am of yours, and I too have tried to prod her toward writing more prose. Lets keep pushing her to display her talents in paragraphs. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I hope you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

Comment from Judy Lawless
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for making us aware of the work "angels" do on FanStory. I have indeed read Karenina's book. It was disturbing in the beginning, but in the end it was a beautiful story of strength and faith. And I have connected with KMoss as well.

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I'm pleased you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

reply by Judy Lawless on 22-May-2021
    The events are bizarre for sure, but not entirely surprising these days. It seems that many organized religions are more like cults that control the minds of followers.
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

OH Liz! I am overwhelmed by your kindness, your faith in my writing, your selfless promotion of my own writing...

Truly I am speechless (not an easy thing to admit)---tears in my eyes, hoping my husband will continue to heal and be home (now they say) perhaps by Monday.

I would not make it through angel cadet class... Broken wing and all...
The truth is the truth... I LOVE reading your work! I'd pay YOU for the experience of reading it!

That is true of so many I follow...kmoss, Robyn, Jay, Helen, Carol, and I better stop because I can't include everyone, although I trust they know who they are!

YOU have consistently infused me with positivity and courage to step off the prose cliff, believing my words would not crash and burn.

Thank you a million times and then a million more for THIS...

For mentioning my all too true story of the supernatural...

Mostly, for proving my assessment unerringly correct-- You have not only fine talent, but a heart as big as the sun!

And here I sit with NOT A SIX left...and yet I cannot wait to comment, to embrace your generosity and to express my gratitude.

How blessed am I to have friends like you here?

Who's the angel? YOU!---

Blushing, unworthy, uplifted, okay, euphoric!


Just WOW....

Thank you my friend!


 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thrilled you found this!
reply by karenina on 21-May-2021
    Me? I'm just floating around in my bliss bubble..... You are amazing!---Karenina
Comment from AnnaLinda
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Yes, Karenina is an angel and I'm sorry to hear about her husband. I will come back to your post and look up your recommendation.

Great that generous Helen added a certificate on this and your hard earned pumps as well. I have not heard from Karenina in awhile.

Either I was taught wrong or you can use 'a' stunning... vs. "an stunning"


"(An stunning example of which is her true (!) tale, titled AND THEN THERE WERE NONE."

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!

    Thanks--fixed the typo!
reply by AnnaLinda on 21-May-2021
    I'll check out that post of hers you mentioned now. I hope her husband did not take the jab...that our a side effect...quote unquote.
reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    His colon was punctured during retrieval of polyps. I'd be eager to hear your take on the implication of the events in her story--blows my mind--I find it profoundly disturbing on many levels.
reply by AnnaLinda on 22-May-2021
    I visited her portfolio...reviewed a blind entry from phone.
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Liz.

I've been a mutual fan with Karenina for some time. Early on she wrote a CUBE16 poem which was quite good. We have actually had many long exchanges over the months.


 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!

reply by the author on 22-May-2021
    I hope you choose to read Karenina's stupendous story.

    I find its implications profoundly disturbing; it doesn't compute with either material reality or standard spiritual assumptions. Ever since reading it, I've been seeking explanations to no avail.
    If you care to, contemplate the questions below and get back to me.

    What's your take on these bizarre events? How does it impact your worldview?

Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, we are friends online Karenina, and yes, she can be self deprecating, but definitely has a sharp and observant role, but she is naughty not sharing about her sick hubby, there are willing pray-ers here, of which I'm one, well dine, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 20-May-2021

reply by the author on 21-May-2021
    Thanks for stopping by--Karenina is thrilled!

reply by royowen on 21-May-2021
    Good job