Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "The Return Chapter 27"
Erotic Turmoil

36 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
This work has reached the exceptional level

Sandra, Try rubbing Vicks VapoRub onto the soles of your feet. I stops my cough every time. It's better than the best cough drop.
Bessie and Margot are making a little headway and I'm sure they will have the answer before any harm comes to Margot. Get better soon. Big hug. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    I've never heard of that! I'll try it tonight. I always put Vick on my chest and under my nose to help me breathe at night, but never heard of putting it on the soles of my feet. That will be amazing if it works. Thanks for that, Nancy.
    And a big thank you for the lovely review and golden sixth star. my dear friend. Love you lots, Sandra xxx
reply by nancy_e_davis on 04-Jul-2022
    Trust me, It works. Hugs.
Comment from rspoet
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Sandra,

Another splendid addition to the story. Loved the scene with Symthe and Lord Brandon. Nice twist at the end, harkens back to This Time-That Time with the floating poker. :)

"Are you out of your [tiny] mind"
Later : "he is totally out of his [tiny] mind?"
I'd drop both and suggest using feeble or feckless, or minuscule.

Margot seems to be enjoying her assignment very much,
who knew that being a time travel detective was so rewarding. LOL

A few threads come together, but the murderer is still unknown. Well done.

Hopefully, if Margot returns to her own time, she'll meet a present day Miles.
I'm sure there would be a lot of volunteers.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    I wondered if anyone would pick up on the poker, and you did! Well done. Lol. I'll have to think of something else. I've still got time. I'm changing the name Crawley to Crawford because of Downton Abbey, we were living in Spain when it started and didn't get to see it. I might download it. I changed the word 'tiny' and used two of your suggestions, thank you so much for that. It really is more appropriate. Margot will be fine, I like happy endings.
    Thank you for this lovely, helpful review, Robert, and the golden star. I've just made another wish under it. Warm hugs, my friend. :) Sandra xx
Comment from Fleedleflump
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed this chapter - I loved the little bit of humour with Bessie and the poker, and enjoyed everyone getting caught up with developments. I can't help visualising Hugh Bonneville whenever Lord Brandon speaks, but given all the other Downton references, I'm sure that's not a problem :-).


PS: SO glad to hear you're starting to feel a bit better - here's hoping you kick it into touch quickly.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Thanks, Mike. I'm feeling like a wrung out rag with teeth in. But I'll get there.
    I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter, I didn't realise when I started it that I'd used Downton's Lord Crawley. The edited published version will be Crawford. (unless I come up with something different.) And now you say there was a Hugh Bonneville, and my character is Brandon, both my characters have Downton's first initial. So, I will be changing them both now!! I never got to see it, I was living in Spain when it started so just didn't get into it. I'm going to download the whole series.
    That era shows most lords as borish, up their own noses. :)
    Thanks again, Mike. Warm hugs. Sandra xxx
reply by Fleedleflump on 04-Jul-2022
    You also have Joshua and Sarah Fellowes, which I thought was a nod to Julian Fellowes :-). I really hope you feel better soon. Best wishes sent your way!

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Damn! I'll have to go through all my characters when I've finished! How on earth I managed to get those names when I hadn't even seen the series, I don't know! Thanks, Mike.
Comment from Scott Rhodie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed the story. Sometimes I look at the star ratings and wonder how they are applied? Para 10 = LINE 3 - than he Para 12 = line 1 - - Brandon Para 14 = line 5 - ,and Para 17 = father's Para 20 = line 3 - hat = no comma Para 22 = line 2 = his feet, Para 25 = and - no comma Para 27 = line 1 = door. and Oh, Para 31 = true, Para 34 = . Then Para 38 from marrying Para 40 = think. Para 53 = line 5 this? . Yet again good story, and I'm sure you know the grammar needs adjusted? Well done.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Thanks so much, Scott. Yes, I knew it wasn't edited properly before I posted, but my friends on here have helped me through because I'm down with Covid and I'm rather brain dead at the moment. It will be sorted soon. Thanks for adding your edits. As for the way ratings are applied, you are doing it right, the 5s and 6s I'm getting are from those who know the errors aren't normal practice for me, but yes, you are doing it right and I appreciate your review very much. Warm hugs, my friend. Sandra xx
reply by Scott Rhodie on 04-Jul-2022
    Thanks again. Scott
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was a great continuation chapter, Sandra. First of all, heal yourself and let Graham take care of you. This was a fantastic chapter, I even had to read it twice, of course, fireworks are going off, tomorrow is July 4th so definitely there will be more fireworks tomorrow. I really appreciated Miles response to Margot/Meg. Very well done and greatly enjoyed. Hugs, love n blessings.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Thank you, Alie, I was nervous posting it, but some of the nits have been picked up, thankfully. It's awful feeling like this! But I'm glad you still enjoyed the chaper. Thanks, dear friend. :) Sandra xx
reply by aryr on 04-Jul-2022
    You are most welcome, Sandra, sure hope you are feeling better soon. Love Alie.
Comment from blondie560
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra I'm so surprised that you were able to get this out. You would have totally been justified to just rest and not think about it. Doesn't mean I'm not happy that it's here!
I love Bessie! She has the perfect personality. The poker thing was brilliant. Too bad she didn't play it out longer, perhaps walked the pompous ass to a chair with the poker between his eyes! I think she'll get in some good zingers before this is over.
Please take care of yourself. Don't push it to get a chapter out for next week. I think we all understand. Hugs:) Sally

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Aw, thank you, Sally. It had a few nits in it, but my sharp reviewers have helped me out, thankfully. You are all such lovely people. I'm glad you enjoyed this part, I had a bit of fun writing it. Whether I can get the next chapter done, remains to be seen. I'll try.
    Thank you for that gold star, dear friend. I really appreciate all this. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra, this chapter is the best...or the closest
to it...there are so many...

Gooooooo Bessie...I bet Lord Brandon is having second
thoughts now...but it is getting more and more dangerous
for Miles and Meg...

and for goodness sakes...tie Miles down for just a few
minutes...and I don't mean in bed...I mean so ALL things
can be explained to him...if his not running out the door...
his running to the bedroom...

between the three of them...Bessie...Margot...and Miles... they pretty much know what now my amazing are they going to change the future???...

Miles needs to do face to face with his dad...but with all the evidence he can find...and then go after mr. crankypants......

this is an awesome chapter sweet you...and I have so loved reading the story...but still want to know how you plan
on getting Margot out of Megs body...soooooooo very well written much love coming your way...Linda xxoo

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Thank you again, my dearest Linda, for another wonderful review, and all the stars. Now, we seem to have a problem with Miles always rushing up to bed! Hmm, you and I had better have a chat!! Lol. Margot is more than happy with that. But, yes, she will have to leave soon, and let Meg have him back. That will leave a broken hearted Margot.... They don't have much time left to stop the murder. So, who is it???? I've given enough clues, and nobody is helping me out! Dear me.
    Thank you for boosting my spirits, and making me smile. I can't laugh, it makes me cough! I'm so glad you are enjoying this story, my dear friend, it means so much to me to know that. Love you always, Sandra xxxxxxx
reply by l.raven on 05-Jul-2022
    Hi Sandra, soooooooo good to see you up and and Graham take a lesson from
    Miles and Margot...retire to the bedroom...
    get those lungs deep those babies up...

    and yes we need to chat...your hints are short of any information to what will happen...only what has happen...or what I already know...I know Margot will have to leave...but how????...does that help my amazing friend???...

    and you beautiful you are so welcome...
    now no and Graham take care...
    sending you love from all over the world...Linda xxoo
Comment from judiverse
This work has reached the exceptional level

Lord Brandon isn't impressed with Roger's ghost story. He claims he learned from the ghosts that they know everything about what was done to Meg and her father. I like the bit about Bessie scaring Lord Brandon with the poker. Margot shows Miles the letter, and he's going to have it out with his father. Margot does a good job of keeping Miles occupied while they wait for Bessie to get the package. They are working against time, trying to prevent Meg from having that accident. Excellent chapter. It really holds the reader's attention. Sorry to hear you contracted the COVID virus. I hope you are feeling better now. It seems that people are getting it even after they've been vaccinated. I don't know what's going on. Take your time and don't rush your recovery. judi

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    No, he wasn't, and even less impressed when Bessie scared the life out of him. I enjoyed writing that part. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it, Judi. I had this part almost finished last Monday, so it wasn't hard to post it yesterday. Whether I have the brain power to write the next one for the coming Sunday, I don't know. I'm taking every day as it comes.
    Thank you so much for the golden star, dear friend, and for your thoughtfullness over my Covid. I've had all my vaccines, but have my second booster next month, if I'm over this one. Otherwise, I will have to wait for three weeks after it's cleared to have it. Thanks again, my friend. Love and hugs Sandra xx
reply by judiverse on 04-Jul-2022
    You're welcome. I'm glad you're still humming along though you've been so sick. I've had my shots and one booster, but with all the stories I'm hearing about people getting the virus anyway, I'm not going to the trouble of getting a second booster. I went to a dance recital last weekend and there were hundreds of people there. Didn't see anyone wearing a mask. I'm still waiting to hear about a big outbreak of the virus after the event. So sorry you had to be hit with it, and hope you continue to improve. judi
reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    It's the same here. You don't legally have to wear one anymore. I always do, but it didn't stop me getting it again. There is just no getting away from it. :( xx
reply by judiverse on 04-Jul-2022
    Maybe it's something to do with your immune system. Some people seem more susceptible than others. Hope you're coming along well. judi
Comment from Jay Squires
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, that Bessie. I almost roared out loud when I read the scene of the levitating poker and could almost sense Charles' thoughts when the poker seemed about to crash into his head. Very well done, Sandra.

I saw no grammatical flaws. Nothing even questionable, but I am to be forgiven if any were in that Charles Brandon/Bessie scene.

I found only one sentence I thought was questionable, but mainly in it's juggling of too many activities to be effective. I felt it would be better in two sentences: "The solicitor, who had just sat down expecting a long wait, leapt to his feet and held out his hand, withdrawing it moments later when he realised it was being snubbed, as Brandon spoke, deliberately mis-pronouncing his name."

Despite that sentence, your chapter reads beautifully. Now ... you just relax, get well, and leave any editing for when you are in the pink, okay? Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Hi Jay, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I'm trying to get to you all. I've never felt so drained.
    Thank you so much for another of your lovely reviews, and the golden star. That sentence you picked out, I've had a go at it, but will probably do it again when my brain is back in gear. Thank you, Jay, your kindness and prayers makes me so grateful to have you as my friend. Love and hugs. Sandra xxx
reply by Jay Squires on 04-Jul-2022
    Sandra, thank you for responding ... and go back to bed. Your body needs rest. Love you, girl, and I'm praying for your complete return to health.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It seems that Bessie's actions have not only terrified Crankston-Smythe but now did the same to Lord Brandon. When Margot shows some evidence to Miles, he want to go and confront he father, but Margot uses enjoyable delaying tactics with Miles, beautifully written Sandra, get well soon, well done blessings Roy

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2022
    Thank you so much for reading and the nice comments, dear Roy. I really appreciate them. I'm struggling, but I know I'm improving a bit. Thanks, dear friend. Love Sandra xx
reply by royowen on 04-Jul-2022
    That?s great Sandra